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Atlanta Police Department

Special Operations Section










Section Command



Effective Date

October 4, 2003



Overnight Use of Motorcycles by SOS Personnel

Applicable To: Motorcycle Unit Personnel

Approval Authority:  Major C. W. Moss

Signature:  Signed by CWM

Date Signed:  10/4/2004



1.               PURPOSE


The intent of this directive is to establish guidelines for the overnight use of police motorcycles by Special Operations Section (SOS) personnel.

2.               POLICY


It is the policy of the Atlanta Police Department to increase police presence and visibility by permitting certain sworn personnel assigned to the SOS Motorcycle Unit and who reside in the City of Atlanta to take marked motorcycles home.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              The SOS commander is responsible for increasing police visibility to citizens in accordance by implementing this directive.

3.2              SOS Unit commanders and supervisors will closely monitor the actions of subordinate personnel and ensure compliance with this directive.

3.3              Sworn SOS employees authorized to take assigned motorcycles home overnight are responsible for ensuring the proper care, cleaning, and scheduled maintenance of the assigned motorcycle thorough the Bureau of Motor Transport.

4.               ACTION


4.1              The Motorcycle Unit commander will provide the SOS commander with a list of applicants to take marked motorcycles home when off duty. 


4.1.1           The applicants will conform to the following criteria:

a.    Applicants must be assigned to the SOS Motorcycle Unit and reside in the City of Atlanta.

b.    Applicants must have had no chargeable vehicle accidents within the previous twelve (12) months.

c.    Applicants must volunteer to participate in the program.

d.    Applicants must have received a satisfactory or higher rating on their most recent performance evaluation.

e.    Applicants must have had no adverse disciplinary action in the preceding six (6) months.

4.2              The SOS commander will submit for approval a list of sworn SOS Motorcycle Unit personnel who may take assigned marked motorcycles home in accordance with this directive.

4.3              Personnel approved to take assigned marked motorcycles home in accordance with this directive will not use the vehicle for personal use, except that it may be utilized for an approved extra job.

4.4              Personnel approved to take assigned marked motorcycles home in accordance with this directive will adhere to all applicable City and department rules, regulations and policies.

4.5              Personnel approved to take assigned marked motorcycles home in accordance with this directive will advise the appropriate zone radio dispatcher of any traffic stops or other police action taken while off duty.

4.6              All stops or arrests made off duty will be logged on a "Daily Activity" report. If a physical arrest is made off duty, the arresting officer will request the presence of an on duty supervisor from the zone in which the arrest was made.


5.               DEFINITIONS




6.               CANCELLATIONS




7.               REFERENCES


APD.SOP.2010 “Work Rules”, Section 4.2.25

APD.SOP.3151 “Vehicles and Vehicle Equipment”

City of Atlanta Code of Ordinances, § 2-1715, "Private use of municipally owned vehicles.”