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Atlanta Police Department

Airport Section










Section Command



Effective Date

October 7, 2004



Daily Activity Statistics

Applicable To: All Employees

Approval Authority:  Major Darryl Tolleson

Signature:  Signed by DKT

Date Signed:  11/1/2004


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1.              PURPOSE                

The purpose of this section command memorandum is to establish a method and procedure for capturing and storing all daily activity of employees assigned to the airport section.

 3.              RESPONSIBILITIES 

3.1            It is the responsibility of each watch commander to ensure individuals, on his/her watch, adhere to the procedures established in this section command memorandum.


3.2            It is the responsibility of each watch commander to identify two field supervisors, one as the primary Watch Statistical Input Field Supervisor and another as an alternate.


3.3            It is the responsibility of the Watch Statistical Input Field Supervisor to record all daily activity on his/her watch’s statistical database.


3.4            It is the responsibility of each employee to complete his/her “Daily Activity Sheet” and the “Daily Productivity Summary” completely and turn these documents in to the watch supervisor at the end of each tour of duty. 

4.              ACTION 

4.1             Daily, employees will complete a “Daily Activity Sheet” and the “Daily Productivity Summary” recording all information including “Park & Walk” and “Drop-Ins.”


4.2             Field supervisors will check the “Daily Activity Sheet” and the “Daily Productivity Summary” for completeness and accuracy.


4.3             The Watch Statistical Input Field Supervisor will enter all the statistics, from each employee’s “Daily Activity Work Sheet” and “Daily Productivity Summary,” into his/her Watch’s Statistical Database. These statistics will be entered daily on the network drive.


4.3.1           Across the top of the Watch’s Statistical Database, the day worked will be marked as 1-one day worked or as the type of day the employee has taken, i.e. Sick Off-S/O, Funeral Off-F/O, Comp Taking-C/T, Non-Enforcement Days, etc.


4.3.2          Lost Time will be tabulated in whole hours.


4.3.3          The statistics for each watch will be entered no later than one and on half hours into the watch’s next shift.


4.3.4           If the primary Watch Statistical Input Field Supervisor is off, for his/her next tour of duty for any reason, then the alternate Watch Statistical Input Field Supervisor will be responsible for entering the statistics. 


4.4              The Section Commander will be notified in writing of any password changes.


5.               DEFINITIONS




6.               CANCELLATION


AS.CM.04.003, “Daily Activity Statistics”


7.               REFERENCES