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Atlanta Police Department

Field Operations Division










Division Command



Effective Date

September 30, 2004



Extra Job Uniforms

Applicable To: All Field Operations Division Sworn Personnel

Approval Authority:  Deputy Chief H.R. Dunovant

Signature:  Signed by HRD

Date Signed:  9/30/2004



1.               PURPOSE


The intent of this directive is to alleviate confusion in properly identifying an officer off duty and decrease the likelihood of jeopardizing his/her safety.


2.               POLICY


This policy is to establish uniformity for officers working extra jobs.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              All zone/section commanders will ensure that the procedure is followed.


4.                               ACTION


4.1              All Field Operations Division sworn personnel will wear the Class A uniform when working extra jobs.  If the extra job requires the officer to wear plain clothes, the bicycle uniform, or other specific alternative, it has to be approved by the Division commander prior to working the extra job.


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1             Class A uniform: The uniform specified in APD.SOP.2130


6.               CANCELLATIONS



7.               REFERENCES


APD.SOP.2060 “Extra Jobs”