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Atlanta Police Department

Zone 2










Section Command



Effective Date

August 25, 2004



COBRA Summary Book

Applicable To: All Zone Two Employees

Approval Authority:  Major J. P. Spillane

Signature:  Signed by JPS

Date Signed: 8/25/2004


  Table of Contents    

1.        PURPOSE  PAGEREF _Toc86574658 \h 1

2.        POLICY   PAGEREF _Toc86574659 \h 1

3.        RESPONSIBILITIES  PAGEREF _Toc86574660 \h 1

4.        ACTION  PAGEREF _Toc86574661 \h 1

4.1      COBRA Summary Book Structure  PAGEREF _Toc86574662 \h 1

4.2      Adding Reports to the COBRA Summary Book  PAGEREF _Toc86574663 \h 2


4.3       Creating the Part One Crime Summaries  PAGEREF _Toc86574664 \h 2

4.4      Mapping Part One Crime  PAGEREF _Toc86574665 \h 3

4.5      Reviewing the COBRA Book  PAGEREF _Toc86574666 \h 3

5.        DEFINITIONS  PAGEREF _Toc86574667 \h 3

6.        CANCELLATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc86574668 \h 3

7.        REFERENCES  PAGEREF _Toc86574669 \h 4



1.               PURPOSE


This Command Memorandum establishes a COBRA (Command Operations Briefing to Revitalize Atlanta) Summary Book and the procedure used to maintain the COBRA Summary Book.


2.               POLICY


It is the policy in Zone 2 to utilize a book to keep personnel updated on the current COBRA week’s criminal activity and to use this book in an effort to reduce part one crime.  It is imperative that supervisors ensure the COBRA Summary Book is properly maintained and utilized in our crime fighting efforts in Zone 2.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES [ Return to Top ]


3.1              Watch Commanders will ensure compliance with this directive.


3.2              All personnel assigned to Zone 2 will ensure this directive is adhered to and all action items in this directive are followed.


4.               ACTION


4.1              COBRA Summary Book Structure [ Return to Top ]


4.1.1           A weekly COBRA Summary Book will be maintained in Zone 2 and housed in the Crime Analysis office for review. 


4.1.2           The COBRA Summary Book will be a three-ring binder with tabs for Homicide, Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Residential Burglary, Commercial Burglary, Larceny from Auto, Other Larceny, Auto Theft and Arrests.  Sub-sections in the Larceny From Vehicle and the Other Larceny sections of the COBRA Summary Book will also have tabs for each beat.


4.1.3           The COBRA Summary Book’s structural outline will be created by Crime Analysis to correspond with each COBRA Week.  The COBRA Book will be populated with information by Each Watch in accordance with this Command Memorandum.


4.1.4                      A Check-Off Sheet will be placed at the front of the COBRA Book where each Watch Commander or his/her designee will sign off.  Supervisor’s signing this sheet are indicating that the requirements of this Command Memorandum have been followed for that watch.


4.1.5                        A geographical map of the Zone and Beats will be placed at the front of each Part One Crime Section and completed as outlined in Section 4.4


4.1.5                      Crime Summaries will be placed directly behind the geographical maps and created/updated as outlined in Section 4.3


4.1.6                        Part One Crime Reports will be placed in the COBRA Book after the Crime Summaries as outlined in Section 4.2


4.1.7                        The CJIS Weekly Crime Pull for Zone 2 will be placed in the front of the COBRA Book.


4.1.8                        All Part One Arrest Reports will be placed in the “Arrests” Section of the COBRA Book.


4.1.9                        Copies of all arrest tickets will be placed in a separate COBRA Arrest Book.  


4.2              Adding Reports to the COBRA Summary Book [ Return to Top ]


4.2.1                      Part One Crime reports will be added to the COBRA Book by the end of the watch on which they occur.


4.2.2           Part One Crime reports will be 3-hole punched and placed by crime classification in the appropriate section by the Watch Commander or his/her designee.  The reports will be placed in beat order behind the appropriate crime classification section. 


4.2.3           Part One Crime reports will be added to the COBRA Book by the end of the reporting watch even if the report has not been approved or completed.  All Part One Crime occurring on a watch must be added to the COBRA Book by the end of that watch for crime tracking purposes.


4.3              Creating the Part One Crime Summaries [ Return to Top ]


4.3.1           Each Watch Commander or his/her designee will assign an Officer or Supervisor to complete the crime summaries for each Part One crime that has occurred during their shift.  This person will be responsible for completing a computerized summary on each Part One Crime.


4.3.2           A computer in the Crime Analysis office will be used to complete the crime summaries.  The Crime Analyst will create and save a weekly folder on the assigned computer.  The employee assigned to complete the crime summaries will access the correct COBRA week folder on the computer.  


4.3.3           Each Part One crime category summary will be in beat order in the appropriate folder.


4.3.4           Each Part One crime category summary will follow the same format which lists, in order, the complaint number, incident address, beat of occurrence, time of occurrence, watch of occurrence, and narrative summary.


4.3.5           Each narrative summary will include a concise synopsis of the incident.  The what, when, where, how, why and who’s about the incident.   Crimes against persons categories should include information about the victim(s) and suspect(s) such as race and sex.  Crimes against property should include the method of entry and the items taken.  Each summary should include whether or not fingerprints were lifted or attempted and if not, why not.  If an arrest is made the summary should include this information as well as the result of the debriefing and who completed the debriefing.  The summary should included whether or not an investigator was contacted and whether or not they responded to the scene.  


4.3.6           After each watch has completed the summaries, a new summary sheet will be printed and placed in the COBRA Book behind the appropriate Part One crime category as outlined in section 4.1.5.


4.4              Mapping Part One Crime [ Return to Top ]


4.4.1           After adding the Part One Crime report to the COBRA Book, a color-coded dot should be placed on the geographical map in the approximate place where the crime occurred.  Watch Commanders (or designee’s) should ensure the location of the color-coded dot is as accurate as possible to the location of the crime on the map.  


4.4.2           Color markers will be available in the Crime Analysis office and should be used by Watch Commanders to ensure these maps are properly marked and coded.


4.4.3           The Color Code for mapping crime on each Watch are as follows: Day Watch–Green, Evening Watch–Red, Morning Watch–Black, Unknown Watch-Blue


4.5              Reviewing the COBRA Book [ Return to Top ]


4.5.1                      Watch Commanders and supervisors are expected to review the COBRA Book prior to their tour of duty.  All supervisors in Zone 2 should be aware of each Part One Crime and the details of each Part One Crime.


4.5.2                      The COBRA Book will be reviewed at Roll Call as directed in APD.CM.XX.XX- Roll Call.


4.5.3                      The COBRA Book will be available in the Crime Analysis Office for review by any member of the Atlanta Police Department.


4.5.4           The COBRA Book should not be removed from the Zone without the authorization of the Zone Commander and will be placed back in the Crime Analysis Office after each use.


5.               DEFINITIONS [ Return to Top ]




6.               CANCELLATIONS [ Return to Top ]



7.               REFERENCES [ Return to Top ]


                  APD.SOP.3070 “Roll Call”