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Atlanta Police Department

Information Services Section










Section Command



Effective Date

January 20, 2004



Processing Deficient Incident Reports

Applicable To: Information Services Section personnel

Approval Authority:  Captain S.M. Britton

Signature:  Signed by SMB

Date Signed:  1/19/2005


1.               PURPOSE


The intent of this command memorandum is to establish a uniform procedure for the Central Records Unit to process incident report that are deficient and to ensure timely entry of stolen property or missing persons into the GCIC system.


2.               POLICY


Central Records Unit will process incident report that are deficient and ensure timely entry of stolen property and/or missing persons into the GCIC system.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              The Central Records Unit commander will implement this directive


3.2              Central Records Unit supervisors will monitor employees’ compliance with this directive and assist them with resolving problems.


3.3              Central Records Unit UCR review officers will notify those responsible for deficient incident reports and to ensure timely entry of stolen property and missing persons on GCIC


4.                 ACTION


4.1              When reviewing incident reports for accuracy and completeness, the Police Report Technician will follow guidelines listed in APD.SOP.3060 “Reports and Report Writing”, and other references given by the Central Records Unit commander.


4.2              The Police Report Representative will:


4.2.1           reject a report that does not have enough information to classify or has obvious, significant omissions or errors. 


4.2.2           Send back the original report; along with a Central Records reject slip.


4.2.2           Teleserve reports or non-Teleserve crime classification will not be rejected solely due to an inaccuracy.  If the report taken by Teleserve is a classification Teleserve normally does not take, the Police Report Technician will work the report and immediately notify a supervisor.


4.3              The Police Report Technician will:


4.3.1           Complete a GCIC entry form for all stolen property based on information in the incident report.  If the report lacks information necessary to classify the report, but there is sufficient information for a GCIC stolen entry, make the GCIC entry.  The Police Report Technician will notify a Central Records Unit supervisor and return the original report to the originating officer or Teleserve representative, filing a copy of the incident report with the GCIC entry form.


4.4.2           Will ensure that all GCIC entries are made in a timely manner.  If the report does not contain enough information for a complete GCIC entry, he or she will notify a Central Records Unit supervisor.


4.5              The Central Records Unit supervisor will:


4.5.1           Notify a Communications supervisor if a report completed by Teleserve should have had a filed response. 


4.5.2           Notify the employee responsible for the deficient report and take any corrective action necessary.


4.6              If a Central Records Unit supervisor is not available for the notification required in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 above, the UCR review officer will notify a Communications supervisor, who will take the supervisory actions required.


5.               DEFINITIONS




6.               CANCELLATIONS




7.               REFERENCES


APD.SOP.6020 “Central Records”

APD.SOP.3110 “GCIC and NCIC Information”

APD.SOP.3060 “Reports and Report Writing”