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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual










Special Order



Effective Date

October 1, 2005



Written Directive Update
October 2005


Applicable To: All employees

Approval Authority:  Chief Richard J. Pennington

Signature:  Signed by RJP

Date Signed:  9/29/2005


  Table of Contents    

1.        PURPOSE  PAGEREF _Toc114973165 \h 1

2.        POLICY   PAGEREF _Toc114973166 \h 1

3.        RESPONSIBILITIES  PAGEREF _Toc114973167 \h 1

4.        ACTION  PAGEREF _Toc114973168 \h 1

4.1      Updated Directives  PAGEREF _Toc114973169 \h 1

4.1.1    APD.SOP.1031 Forms Management PAGEREF _Toc114973170 \h 1

4.1.2    APD.SOP.1100 Request for Legal Opinions  PAGEREF _Toc114973171 \h 2

4.1.3    APD.SOP.2150 Injury on Duty  PAGEREF _Toc114973172 \h 2

4.1.4    APD.SOP.2190 Atlanta Retired Police Reserve  PAGEREF _Toc114973173 \h 2


4.1.5    APD.SOP.3041 Investigating Police Discharge Tow…    PAGEREF _Toc114973174 \h 2

4.1.6    APD.SOP.3065 Field Interviews  PAGEREF _Toc114973175 \h 3

4.1.7    APD.SOP.3080 General Procedures  PAGEREF _Toc114973176 \h 3

4.1.8    APD.SOP.3161 Delivering Tickets to the Courts  PAGEREF _Toc114973177 \h 3

4.1.9    APD.SOP.3184 Threat Level Advisories and Respon…    PAGEREF _Toc114973178 \h 3

4.1.10   APD.SOP.4020 Field Investigation Teams  PAGEREF _Toc114973179 \h 3

5.        DEFINITIONS  PAGEREF _Toc114973180 \h 4

6.        CANCELLATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc114973181 \h 4

7.        REFERENCES  PAGEREF _Toc114973182 \h 4


1.               PURPOSE


This order summarizes revisions to existing directives. The full text to all current directives can be found on the Horizon intranet site at “http://horizon”. 


2.               POLICY


The Atlanta Police Department will keep its written directives up to date and promptly notify affected employees.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


                  Bureau, division, and section commanders will implement these changes in their commands, making sure that affected employees are notified.


4.               ACTION


4.1              Updated Directives


4.1.1           APD.SOP.1031 Forms Management


1.    Sections 3.3 and 4.9 were revised to reflect the Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit.


2.    Section 3.4 was revised to insure that the Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit include forms in their review of records.


3.    Section 4.10 was revised to ensure that a monthly notification of revised or new forms be published in the Daily Bulletin.


4.1.2           APD.SOP.1100 Request for Legal Opinions

1.    The changes included procedures for requesting ethical opinions from the City’s Board of Ethics. 


4.1.3           APD.SOP.2150 Injury on Duty

1.    Section 4.3 was amended to better clarify the three conditions under which and officer is considered injured on duty according to City of Atlanta, Code Section 114-424d.


2.    Section 4.5 was amended to add the word “work” as in “21 consecutive work days” for clarification.


3.    Section 5.1 was amended to refer employees to the “OFFICIAL NOTICE” of authorized medical treatment facilities and physicians instead of listing the facilities and physicians in the directive due to the list’s potential for change at any time.


4.1.4           APD.SOP.2190 Atlanta Retired Police Reserve

1.    Section 4.1.2 item #2 was revised to include “that the officer was not on or failed to adhere to a mandated early warning or psychological / physical Fitness for Duty. 


2.    Section 4.1.2 item #3 was amended to include “that retired officer must not have been placed on probation, restrictions, or mandates by P.O.S.T., such as the officer being required to complete a specified training course at the officers expense within a specified period.” 


3.    Section 4.1.3, item #2 was changed to ”CVSA or polygraph examination”. 


4.    Section 4.1.3 item #4 was amended to ensure that officers who have been retired for more then one year or who have been resigned from the ARPR for more than one year submit a letter from their personal doctor, certifying physical / psychological fitness.


5.    Section 4.1.7 was amended to ensure that the FIS commander request an OPS complaint history or documentation of any citizen complaints receive after officer retired on a police service pension, prior to an application to ARPR.”


6.    Section 4.2.3 item #4 was amended to include “or during special events with active on duty APD officers who are being compensated at an earned rate of one and one half hours for each hour worked.”


7.    Section 4.3.4 was amended to specify that in lieu of suspension, the FIS commander may suspend retired officers extra job privilege for one or more days he or she is scheduled to work on any approved extra job on file, or may be required to perform additional voluntary service hours.


4.1.5           APD.SOP.3041 Investigating Police Discharge Toward Animals

1.    This written directive was amended by changing the term “crime scene” to “incident scene” and defining the firearm as “Department approved” as pertaining to this directive.


4.1.6           APD.SOP.3065 Field Interviews

1.    Section 4.5, “Completing the Field Interview Form”, was updated to reflect the current information required to complete the form.


2.    Section 4.6, “Getting Information from the Field Interview Form”, was updated to reflect the proper steps to retrieve information from CJIS.


3.    Section 7.1, “Codes for the Field Interview Form”, was created to provide codes to be used when completing the form. These codes are the same ones used in completing the incident report.


4.1.7           APD.SOP.3080 General Procedures

1.    Section 4.15 Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreements was added to require employees who are in an assignment that provides or allows access to information that is not generally known to the general public and/or to other employees within the Department may be required to enter into a Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement as a condition of that assignment


4.1.8           APD.SOP.3161 Delivering Tickets to the Courts

1.    Section 3.4 was expanded to require officers to take a copy of the incident report with them to Municipal Court at the time the case is heard.


2.    Section 4.1 has been changed from Traffic Court to Municipal Court Traffic Division due to the dissolving of Traffic Court.


4.1.9           APD.SOP.3184 Threat Level Advisories and Responses

1.    Section 3.9 of this directive has been changed to include the Communications Section as the entity that will be responsible for contacting employees and informing them of a particular response or action that is required of them during a level three “Threat Level.”


2.    The Personnel Services Unit is required to maintain and update the Department wide employee database. 


3.    Section 5.1 has been changed to re-name the APD Emergency Operations Center to the APD Joint Operations Center.  This was done to avoid confusion with the Atlanta-Fulton County Emergency Operations Center (EOC).


4.1.10         APD.SOP.4020 Field Investigation Teams

1.    Section 3.1 was amended by adding “for enforcement actions” for better clarification of the FIT Team’s duties and responsibilities. 


2.    Section 3.5 was added to define the requirement for additional training for this specialized assignment.


3.    Section 4.6 was amended to add the requirement for FIT Team supervisors to communicate with CID, i.e. the Narcotics Unit, by “de-conflicting” any warrants prior to executing them.


4.    Section 5 was amended by adding a definition for “de-conflict”.


5.               DEFINITIONS




6.               CANCELLATIONS




7.               REFERENCES