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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual










Standard Operating



Effective Date

January 29, 2009



Written Directive System

Applicable To:  All employees

Approval Authority:  Chief Richard J. Pennington

Signature:  Signed by RJP

Date Signed:  3/13/09


Table of Contents

1.          PURPOSE  PAGEREF _Toc225581956 \h 1

2.          POLICY   PAGEREF _Toc225581957 \h 1

3.          RESPONSIBILITIES  PAGEREF _Toc225581958 \h 1

4.          ACTION  PAGEREF _Toc225581959 \h 2

4.1           Preparation  PAGEREF _Toc225581960 \h 2

4.1.1        General PAGEREF _Toc225581961 \h 2

4.1.2        Review Process  PAGEREF _Toc225581962 \h 2

4.1.3        Use of Command Memorandum   PAGEREF _Toc225581963 \h 3

4.2           Numbering System   PAGEREF _Toc225581964 \h 3

4.2.1        Issuing of numbers  PAGEREF _Toc225581965 \h 3

4.2.2        Format of numbers  PAGEREF _Toc225581966 \h 3

4.3           Format of Directive  PAGEREF _Toc225581967 \h 4

4.4           Cancellation or Revision  PAGEREF _Toc225581968 \h 6


4.5           Precedence and Transition  PAGEREF _Toc225581969 \h 6

4.6           Revision of a Directive  PAGEREF _Toc225581970 \h 6

4.7           Directives Availability  PAGEREF _Toc225581971 \h 7

4.8           Distribution and Implementation  PAGEREF _Toc225581972 \h 7

4.8.1        Employee Transfers  PAGEREF _Toc225581973 \h 7

4.8.3        Distribution of Directives  PAGEREF _Toc225581974 \h 7

4.9           Coordination of Implementation  PAGEREF _Toc225581975 \h 8

4.10         Written Directive Review   PAGEREF _Toc225581976 \h 8

4.11         Written Directive System Maintenance  PAGEREF _Toc225581977 \h 8

4.12         City Code Maintenance  PAGEREF _Toc225581978 \h 9

5.          DEFINITIONS  PAGEREF _Toc225581979 \h 9

6.          CANCELLATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc225581980 \h 10

7.          REFERENCES  PAGEREF _Toc225581981 \h 10



1.               PURPOSE


This directive establishes the written directive system of the Atlanta Police Department and provides administrative support for the written directive system. Written directives document the mission, values, goals, objectives, policies, and procedures of the Department. The system provides for indexing, purging, updating, and revising directives.

(CALEA 5th ed. Standard 12.2.1 a, f g h)


2.               POLICY


The Atlanta Police Department uses its written directive system to provide employees with a clear understanding of the constraints and expectations relating to the performance of their duties. The written directive system will permit rapid access to individual policies, procedures, and rules and regulations.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              The Chief of Police is responsible for the Department's written directive system. This responsibility includes the authority to issue, modify, and approve special orders, standard operating procedures, and manuals.

                  (CALEA 5th ed. Standard 12.2.1b)


3.2              Bureau, division, and section commanders are responsible for implementing applicable Department directives within their respective commands. Bureau, division, and section commanders will draft directives for the Chief's consideration and will format their command memoranda as required herein. Command memoranda will conform with applicable City ordinances, state and federal laws, Department policies and procedures, and the standards set by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies.  Bureau, division, section, and worksite commanders will ensure that each worksite has an up-to-date and full set of directives.

                  (CALEA 5th ed. Standard 12.2.1c, i)


3.3              The Training Unit commander is responsible for issuing, reviewing, and maintaining training material and will coordinate training on new and revised directives, ordinances, and laws.

                  (CALEA 5th ed. Standard 12.2.1c)


3.4              The Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit will manage the Department's written directive system, including formatting, publishing, maintenance, and review of Department directives. The Unit will review command memoranda for compliance with accreditation standards, Department directives, and higher authorities.

                  (CALEA 5th ed. Standard 12.2.1i)


3.5              Supervisors will ensure that their subordinates receive, read, understand, and adhere to applicable directives.


3.6              Employees are responsible for adhering to the written directives that apply to them. Employees will maintain the directives issued to them and may refer to any directive at the work site reference shelf or over the Departmental computer network. 


4.               ACTION


4.1              Preparation


4.1.1           General


1.    Written directives will not conflict with City ordinances, state or federal law, or accreditation standards, nor will they conflict with the policies and procedures of the issuing authority's chain of command, including the Mayor's administrative orders.


2.    The format of written directives will conform to this directive.


3.    The Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit will prepare the final draft of all Department special orders, standard operating procedures, and manuals. If a directive requires extensive reformatting, the Unit will ask the originator to review it.


4.    The Training Section commander or higher authority determines the format of training materials. The format will conform with the requirements of the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Council, when applicable.


4.1.2           Review Process


1.    Written directives should be prepared and revised in consultation with those inside and outside the Department who will be affected by them. At a minimum, the issuing authority's direct report subordinates should review proposed directives. If a new policy or procedure may require training, the Training Section will be included in the review process. Where appropriate, the Law Department or prosecutor will be included in the review process. The person who prepares or revises the directive will attempt to resolve any disagreements or reservations that arise during the review process.

2.    The Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit will coordinate the review of Department special orders, standard operating procedures, and manuals.


3.    When a directive requires forms, attach them to the directive for the review process.


4.    When staff review results in significant changes in a directive, the review process may be repeated.


5.    Reviews will be documented through the Directive Review Form (APD-701).  A cover memorandum to the approval authority will state who reviewed the directive and will describe any unresolved disagreements.


6.    For special orders, standard operating procedures, and manuals, the Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit will file the cover memorandum and Directive Review Forms with the original of the directive. For command memoranda, the approval authority will file the documentation with the original.


4.1.3           Use of Command Memorandum


Use the command memorandum format rather than a memorandum to state procedures that will be in effect over a period of time; implement policy pending the issuance of a standard operating procedure or special order; or give directions to a rank, classification, or job function.  Command memoranda expire after four years.


Use the memorandum format if the material will be in effect only briefly, is not directive in nature, or is directed to an individual. Memoranda are not included in the written directive system.


4.2              Numbering System


4.2.1           Issuing of numbers


1.    The Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit will issue all numbers relating to special orders, standard operating procedures, and command memoranda.


2.    For command memoranda, the approval authority will request in writing from the Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit that a number be assigned to the directive.


3.    The Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit will reply to the approval authority with the electronic version of the directive and a number attached.


4.2.2           Format of numbers


Special orders, standard operating procedures, command memoranda, and training materials have unique numbers for clear identification. The number consists of letters and numerals that identify the organizational level, type of directive, major category or year, and sequence number of the directive within that major category or year. APD.SOP.2030 is an example of this numbering system.


4.2.3           The first part (APD in the example) represents the Department.


4.2.4           The next part (APD.SOP.2030) represents the type of directive:


SO  - Special Order

SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

CM - Command Memorandum

RCT - Roll Call Training

LP - Lesson Plan

4.2.5           The third part is a number.  The example uses only one digit (APD.SOP.2030).


1.    For an SOP, this number represents the major category or chapter in the policy manual.  The SOP categories and their numbers are:


No. Category                                                    Topics                    

------------------------                                               --------------------------------

1     Administration                                            directives relating to general                                                                         administration and organization


2     Personnel                                                  Personnel issues

3     General Operations                                    General law enforcement issues


4     Field Operations                                         Patrol operations issues


5     Criminal Investigations                                Criminal investigative issues


6     Support Operations                                    Communications, records, etc.


2.    For a special order or command memorandum this part would be the last two digits of the year; for example, APD.SO.08.01.


4.2.6           The last part (the number 030 in the example) represents the placement of the directive within the major category or year.


4.2.7           A hypothetical directive APD.SOP.4010 would be the first major standard operating procedure dealing with field operations. APD.CM.08.03 would be the third command memorandum issued in 2008.


4.3              Format of Directive

                  (CALEA 5th ed. Standard 12.2.1d)


4.3.1           In order to have a consistent format, it is essential that directives are written on the template, Written Directive Form APD-700. The heading block contains:


1.    TYPE:  Write the type of directive:


Special Order

Standard Operating Procedure

Bureau Command Memorandum

Division Command Memorandum

Section Command Memorandum


2.    EFFECTIVE DATE:  Date when the directive is effective, allowing time for any necessary training or other implementation steps.


3.    NUMBER:  Unique number assigned to the directive, as in section 4.2.


4.    TITLE:  The title of the directive.


5.    APPLICABLE TO:  The organizational components, positions, or job classifications that are directly affected by the directive.


6.    APPROVAL AUTHORITY:  Title and name of the individual approving the directive.


7.    SIGNATURE:  Signature of the approval authority.


8.    DATE SIGNED:  Date of signature of the approval authority.


4.3.2           Organize the body of a special order, standard operating procedure, or command memorandum under the following headings. Only these headings are in all caps. If a section is not applicable, put “N/A” after it.  A directive over three pages long should have a table of contents on the first page.


1.    PURPOSE: Clear and concise statement of the reason for the directive.


2.    POLICY: Clear and concise statement of the policy which the directive addresses.


3.    RESPONSIBILITIES: Designation of specific responsibility, with particular attention to supervisory and command roles.


4.    ACTION: Description of action that is to be taken, by whom, and within what time constraints.


a.    Use the outline style for organizing the action section of a standard operating procedure, special order, or command memorandum.


b.    Organize the text and choose the headings and subheadings for simplicity and logical ordering. Generally, there should be at least two outline elements at each level: if there is a “1” there should be a “2”; and if there is an “a” there should be a “b”. The numbering scheme is as follows:









Second Level Title




Third Level Title





Outline Details



Outline Details




Third Level Title




A paragraph of text




Third Level Title






5.    DEFINITIONS: Define any terms that may be misinterpreted and those that have special meaning in the directive. List the terms in a logical sequence or grouping, or if they are numerous, alphabetically. Underline the defined terms and format them as follows:










Term:  Text of definition...




Term:  Text of definition...





6.    CANCELLATION: Use this heading to specify what directives are cancelled. A directive cannot cancel a directive issued by a higher authority. Do not use a blanket “anything in conflict” statement, but specify directives by number.


7.    REFERENCES: Citation of laws, directives, or other authority governing the subject matter of the directive. Unless quoted or paraphrased in the directive, referenced documents should be accessible to those who must implement the directive.


4.4              Cancellation or Revision

                  (CALEA 5th ed. Standard 12.2.1e)


4.4.1           Only the approval authority or a higher authority may cancel or revise a written directive.


4.4.2           A written directive is usually cancelled by a revised written directive of the same type. Employees will remove the cancelled written directive from the issued three-ring binder.


4.4.3           Upon receipt of a revision notice, the employee will insert the new pages in the appropriate place in the directive or manual and dispose of the old pages.


1.    The employee will initial and date the revision notice and place it behind the directive. The employee will keep revision notices with the associated directive until the entire directive is either cancelled or reissued.


2.    Any listing of directives maintained or distributed for employee information will also list revisions.


4.5              Precedence and Transition


4.5.1           A directive issued by a commander remains in effect after the individual leaves the position, until canceled by his or her successor, or until the directive expires.


4.5.2           A directive issued by a higher authority overrules one issued by a lower authority within that chain of command.


4.5.3           A directive issued later overrules one issued earlier if the same authority issues both.


4.5.4           Directives remain effective until cancelled or expired.


4.6              Revision of a Directive

                  (CALEA 5th ed. Standard 12.2.1 e)


4.6.1           Written directives may be revised by reissuing the entire directive or, as an alternative for SOP's and manuals, issuing a revision notice accompanied by a copy of the revised pages.


4.6.2           The written directive revision notice for a standard operating procedure or manual begins with the written directive form (APD-700). The directive number will have an additional element, “Rn”, wherein “R” represents "revision" and “n” represents the sequence of revisions. For example, the second revision to APD.SOP.1010 would be APD.SOP.1010.R2. The EFFECTIVE DATE is the date when the revision takes effect.


4.6.3           The body of the notice cites the exact change in the directive and how to make the change. It may also state the reason for the change.


4.6.4           On a revised page, show the effective date of the change at the lower left hand corner.


4.7              Directives Availability


4.7.1           Employees may see any directive maintained by the Department except for confidential directives.


4.7.2           Copies of all directives will be kept at each work site for reference by employees. The binder of SOP's has a table of contents. The electronic version is issued to employees and is available on the Department’s computer network. If there is any discrepancy between the hardcopy and electronic version, rely on the latest signed hardcopy.


4.8              Distribution and Implementation


4.8.1           Employee Transfers


Within five working days of an employee's transfer into a unit or a significant change in the employee's duties, the unit commander will orient the employee to the job. The commander may require the employee to review selected directives.


4.8.2           Employees will read the directives issued to them and follow their instructions. Employees must understand these directives or request clarification from their supervisors. Employees will maintain the directives issued to them.


4.8.3           Distribution of Directives

                  (CALEA 5th ed. Standard 12.2.2)


1.    As new or revised directives are signed and issued, bureau, division, and section commanders will distribute them promptly to all impacted employees, unless otherwise specified.  It is imperative that all employees receive directives promptly.


2.    The approval authority will immediately send a signed copy and the final electronic version of each command memorandum through the chain of command to the Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit.


3.    As the Department is shifting away from reliance on paper documents towards the use of electronic means of storing, finding, and presenting its directives, the Department will issue updated hardcopies of SOP’s to each work site, but expects employees to use their issued CD or the Horizon website to find and read new and updated directives. 


4.    At the end of each year, employees will be issued a new CD containing all of the year’s changes and additions.  At that time, employees may discard the updated hardcopies that were issued to them throughout the year.


5.    Each employee must sign a Printed Matter Control Sheet (Form APD-726) to document receipt of the CD or directive.  The employee's unit commander will keep the original sheet on file until three years after the directive has been cancelled.


6.    A copy of the Printed Matter Control Sheet will be placed in the unit personnel file of each employee to document receipt of the new or revised directive.


4.9              Coordination of Implementation


Allow adequate time between the distribution date and the effective date for training on the new or revised directive and for any related procedural changes, printing, equipment purchases, etc. If the implementation is complicated, coordinate it through a memorandum or special order.


4.9.1           The Chief of Police may classify a directive as confidential and limit its distribution to those with a right to know. Only the Chief of Police may designate a directive as confidential.


4.10            Written Directive Review


4.10.1         Written directives that are in effect may be reviewed at any time; however, one review every three years is mandatory. The originator will review every written directive and its associated forms. This review determines the need for revision, cancellation, or incorporation into another directive.


4.10.2         The Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit will coordinate the review of all Department special orders, standard operating procedures, and manuals.  The PRAU will maintain a listing of documents that are being reviewed; and report on the status of all special orders, standard operating procedures, and manuals to the bureau, division, and section commanders by December 31 of each year.


4.10.3         By December 31 of each year, each bureau, division, and section commander will review their command memoranda, revise them if necessary, and list those that are in effect. They will send copies of the list to their subordinate commanders and through the chain of command to the Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit.


4.10.4         The Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit will review bureau, division, and section command memoranda for consistency with higher levels of authority and accreditation standards. The Unit will also advise on the need to incorporate a command memorandum into a Department directive.


4.11            Written Directive System Maintenance


4.11.1         The Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit will:


1.    Maintain a log of all Department special orders and standard operating procedures. This log lists the title, effective date, and cancellation date.


2.    Maintain the originals of all Department special orders, standard operating procedures, and manuals. The Unit will maintain cancelled directives permanently.

3.    Maintain a subject index or on-line search capability for all Department special orders, standard operating procedures, work rules, and manuals that are in force.

       (CALEA 5th ed. Standard 12.2.1e)


4.11.2         The administrative office in each bureau, division and section maintains a log of issued command memoranda and maintains originals of all command memoranda issued by the bureau or division.


4.11.3         The Training Unit maintains the originals of all training materials and associated revision notices.  The Unit will maintain cancelled training materials permanently.


4.11.4         Each section commander will keep Printed Matter Control Sheets on file until three years after a directive has been cancelled. 


4.11.5         Bureau, division, and section commanders will maintain a set of up-to-date directives and reference material at each work site. The directives must be readily accessible to the employees assigned there. The set of directives and reference material will include:


1.    Special orders and standard operating procedures in the issued three-ring binders;


2.    Bureau, division and section command memoranda in the issued three-ring binder;


3.    Roll call training material in the issued three-ring binder;


4.    Code of Ordinances, City of Atlanta, volumes I through III, or the excerpt produced by the Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit;


5.    A manual of Georgia laws (criminal, juvenile and traffic); and


6.    Other references specified by the Chief or the bureau, division, or section commander.


4.12            City Code Maintenance


4.12.1         The Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit will excerpt parts of the City Code that are most often referred to by employees of the Department. A copy of the excerpted City Code will be issued to each worksite that does not have a full City Code.


4.12.2         The Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit will attach a copy of APD Form 730 to the inside back cover of each volume, indicating on the form which supplements have been added. When a supplement to the City Code is published, Planning and Research/Accreditation Unit will issue one to each worksite.


4.12.3         Worksite commanders will keep their copies of the City Code in good condition and up to date. When supplements are issued, the worksite commander will insert new pages and remove old pages, according to the supplement's instructions; put the instruction page in numerical order behind the Table of Contents of Volume I; and sign ADP Form 730 in each volume, to document that the updating has been done.


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1              Command Memorandum: A written directive that establishes procedures for a bureau, division, or section within the guidelines of Department policy. The bureau, division, or section commander is the approval authority for command memoranda. Command memoranda expire after four years.


5.2              Manual: A written directive or set of directives dealing with a particular topic, program, or organizational component of the Department. The Chief of Police is the approval authority for manuals.


5.3              Revision notice: A form requiring the substitution of one or more changed pages in a manual or standard operating procedure. The Chief of Police is the approval authority for revision notices.


5.4              Special order: A written directive approved by the Chief of Police to establish temporary policies, programs, or events or to cancel any written directive. Special orders expire after four years.


5.5              Standard operating procedure (SOP): A written directive that sets policies, organizational structure, or guidelines for implementing Department policies and programs.  The Chief of Police is the approval authority for standard operating procedures.


5.6              Training material: Written material used for the instruction of new employees and for in-service and specialized training. The Training Unit commander is the approval authority for training materials, in consultation with the Chief of Police and division commander.


5.7              Work rules: Regulations that govern professional conduct and set conditions of employment in the Department. Work rules require or prohibit specific types of behavior and are the grounds for charging an employee with misconduct. The Chief of Police is the approval authority for work rules.


5.8              Work site: One of the following: The Chief's administrative office, a bureau or division administrative office, a section, or a geographically detached unit, squad, or office specified by the Chief of Police.


5.9              Written directives: Written documents are used to direct, guide, or affect the performance or conduct of employees. The written directives are work rules, special orders, standard operating procedures, manuals, command memoranda, and training materials.


6.               CANCELLATIONS


                  APD.SOP.1030 Written Directive System, issued July 1, 2005

                  APD.SO.04.05 Transition to New Written Directive System, issued July 1, 2004


7.               REFERENCES


                  Atlanta City Code Section 98-26 “Duties of Police Chief”

                  Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies,5th edition Standards  12.2.1, 12.2.2.

                  APD Form 730 “Updating City Code Books”