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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual











Standard Operating




Effective Date

June 4, 2010






Applicable To:  All employees

Approval Authority:  Interim Chief George N. Turner

  Signature:  Signed by GNT

  Date Signed:  7/8/10


Table of Content

 1.          PURPOSE  PAGEREF _Toc267042475 \h 1

2.          POLICY   PAGEREF _Toc267042476 \h 1

3.          RESPONSIBILITIES  PAGEREF _Toc267042477 \h 1

4.          ACTION  PAGEREF _Toc267042478 \h 2

4.1           Line Inspections  PAGEREF _Toc267042479 \h 2

4.1.3        Uniformed Inspections: PAGEREF _Toc267042480 \h 2

4.1.4        Non-uniformed inspections: PAGEREF _Toc267042481 \h 2


4.1.5        Vehicle inspections: PAGEREF _Toc267042482 \h 4.1.6        Facility inspections: PAGEREF _Toc267042483 \h 3

4.1.7        Correcting Deficiencies  PAGEREF _Toc267042484 \h 3

4.2           Staff Inspections  PAGEREF _Toc267042485 \h 3

5.          DEFINITIONS  PAGEREF _Toc267042486 \h 5

6.          CANCELLATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc267042487 \h 5

7.          REFERENCES  PAGEREF _Toc267042488 \h 6


1.               PURPOSE


This directive establishes the policies and procedures for line and staff inspections.


2.               POLICY


It is the policy of the Atlanta Police Department for employees to be in compliance with City of Atlanta ordinances, Departmental directives, legal mandates, and laws. The Department will operate in an efficient and effective manner, consistent with laws, directives, policies, and professional standards. Periodic inspections of all organizational components, employees, equipment, and facilities will be conducted to ensure compliance.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              The Chief of Police, and/or his or her designee, will determine the subject and scope of staff inspections.


3.2              Bureau, division, section, and unit commanders are responsible for authorizing and conducting line inspections, being fully knowledgeable of their subordinates performance and resources, for correcting deficiencies, and for recognizing excellence.


3.3              Supervisors are responsible for conducting line inspections, being fully knowledgeable of their subordinates performance and resources, for correcting deficiencies, and recognizing excellence.


3.4              The Staff Inspections Unit (SIU) is responsible for coordinating and conducting staff inspections; maintaining records of staff inspections; participating and/or assisting in line inspections as necessary and appropriate; and identifying deficiencies and recognizing excellence.


4.               ACTION


4.1        Line Inspections

                  (CALEA 5th ed. standard 53.1.1)


4.1.1           Line inspections will be conducted to ensure that all employees adhere to Departmental standards and expectations in such areas as appearance, equipment, facilities, procedures, property, and any other element being inspected. Documentation will be maintained on file for a period of three years.


4.1.2           Line inspections on sworn employees must be conducted by a sworn supervisor to ensure that any conditions that do not conform to Departmental standards or expectations are corrected. Line inspections may be formal, such as during roll call, or informal, performed continuously during everyday management and supervision. (CALEA 5th ed. standard 53.1.1e)


4.1.3           Uniformed Inspections:


1.    Uniformed officers will be formally inspected by the employee’s immediate supervisor on at least a quarterly basis. All supervisors will conduct informal inspections daily. The employee’s appearance, hygiene, uniform, assigned equipment, and other equipment and property will be subject to inspection.


2.    Uniformed civilian employees will be formally inspected by the employee’s immediate supervisor on at least a quarterly basis. All supervisors will conduct informal inspections daily. The employee’s appearance, hygiene, uniform, assigned equipment, and other equipment and property will be subject to inspection.


3.    Formal inspections will be documented on Form APD 838 (Line Inspections Checklist for Sworn Employees) and 839 (Line Inspections Checklist for Non-Sworn Employees) and submitted to the unit commander. Documentation will be maintained on file for a period of three years.


4.1.4           Non-uniformed inspections:


1.    Officers who are not required to wear a uniform will have their uniform and equipment formally inspected by their immediate supervisor on at least a quarterly basis. All supervisors will conduct informal inspections daily. The employee’s appearance, hygiene, uniform, assigned equipment, and other equipment and property will be subject to inspection. Formal inspections will be documented on Form APD 838 and submitted to the unit commander. Documentation will be maintained on file for a period of three years.


2.    Civilian employees who are not required to wear a uniform will be formally inspected on a quarterly basis on Form APD 839 to include at a minimum: driver’s license, work identification, uniform and all assigned equipment. Civilian employees will also be informally inspected on a daily basis by their supervisors.  The employee’s appearance, hygiene, uniform, assigned equipment and property will be subject to inspection. 


4.1.5           Vehicle inspections:


1.    Employees will inspect assigned vehicles on a daily basis, both at the beginning and end of their shift. Vehicles must be inspected for damage, equipment, maintenance, and contraband. Employees will document the inspections on Form APD 607 (Daily Activity Report) and notify their immediate supervisors of problems or deficiencies.


2.    Division, section, and unit commanders will conduct formal evaluations of all marked and unmarked vehicles on at least a quarterly basis. Vehicles must be inspected for damage, equipment, maintenance, and contraband.


3.    All supervisors will conduct random and periodic informal inspections of all marked and unmarked vehicles.


4.    Formal inspections will be documented on Form APD 732 (Vehicle Inspection Checklist) and submitted to the section and/or division commander. Documentation will be maintained on file for a period of three years.


4.1.6           Facility inspections:


Section commanders will formally inspect the facilities, equipment, and property under their command on at least an annual basis. All supervisors will conduct informal evaluations daily. Departmental facilities, equipment, and property will be inspected for compliance with City of Atlanta ordinances, orders, legal mandates, and directives. Formal inspections will be documented on Form APD 731 (Facility Inspection Worksheet form) and submitted to the division commander. Documentation will be maintained on file for a period of three years.


4.1.7           Correcting Deficiencies


1.    Supervisors and employees will take immediate action to correct problems that occur or become apparent during inspections.


2.    If repair or replacement of equipment is necessary or required, the appropriate person will be contacted and notified in writing. Supervisors will also notify their division commander through the chain of command and are responsible for follow up to ensure that corrective action has been taken.


3.    A written report will be forwarded through the chain of command to the appropriate authority for problems that occur or become apparent during inspections that cannot be immediately corrected or that are in violation of the City of Atlanta ordinances, orders, legal mandates, or directives.


4.2        Staff Inspections

                  CALEA 5th ed. standards 53. 2. 1


4.2.1           Staff inspections are designed to evaluate the operations of work components within the Department and create an atmosphere of self analysis and continuous improvement among work components. Staff inspections are directed at organizational functions and administrative performance.


1.    Staff inspections are designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Department through independent and objective analysis, review, and evaluation of existing programs, procedures, and activities.


2.    Staff inspections are used to determine whether the goals and objectives are being met, whether programs are being implemented as planned, and whether management tools are in place to measure their efficiency and effectiveness.


4.2.2           All organizational components of the Department will be subject to a staff inspection at least once every three years.


4.2.3           In the course of their triennial inspections, SIU will give special attention to any authorized temporary detention area and to any other area that seems to be used for that purpose. The administrative review should ensure that policies and procedures governing temporary detention are being followed and that the original intent for authorization and use of the facility continues to be adequate for the agency’s needs.


4.2.4           Staff inspections may be general, examining a cross section of operational functions and procedures of a particular division, section, or unit, or specific, examining and evaluating a single function or procedure performed by a single unit, section or division, or by several units, sections, or divisions.


4.2.5           SIU will be responsible for conducting staff inspections. The responsibilities of SIU include:


1.    Act on behalf of the Chief of Police as an evaluation team.


2.    Review and evaluate any program, policy, order, plan, procedure, or record within the Department.


3.    Access all records and/or properties relevant to the performance of an inspection.


4.    Solicit the expertise of additional personnel when necessary and appropriate.


5.    Identify discrepancies and issues that exist within the Department.


6.    Make recommendations to the Chief to resolve deficiencies.


4.2.6           SIU will notify the appropriate division, section, and unit commander(s) in writing of the date(s) of the inspection at least 14 calendar days in advance of the inspection, unless this advance notification conflicts with the nature of the staff inspection. Before the inspection begins, a Pre- Inspection Briefing will be held with the appropriate commander to introduce the inspection team; review the purpose, scope, and methodology of the inspection; explain the tentative time schedule of the inspection; and establish a point of contact for the inspection.


4.2.7           The Staff inspection will be based on an evaluation methodology developed by SIU. The SIU commander is responsible for determining the scope, depth, and methodology of the staff inspection.


4.2.8           SIU will have full access to all Department files, documents, facilities, equipment, and personnel as necessary pursuant to the scope of the inspection. Inspection methods may include but are not limited to any combination of the following: observation, analyses, audits, interviews, document reviews; etc.


4.2.9           Reports will be completed for all staff inspections. Reports should include: an executive summary; a discussion of the program or operation inspected; findings that identify management issues, deficiencies noted and positive aspects of the inspection; and recommendations for the improvement and/or correction of any deficiencies. A Post Inspection Briefing will be conducted with the affected unit, section, or division commanders. Commanders will have 14 days to review and respond to the Inspections commander concerning the initial report; the commander’s response will include a plan for remediation, correcting any deficiencies, implementing any recommendations, setting a schedule for any items not yet completed, and any necessary revision of policy. A copy of the initial report will be sent to the Planning & Research/Accreditation Unit.


4.2.10         After 14 calendar days, the Staff Inspections Unit will re-inspect the affected unit to determine final compliance for remediation, correction of any deficiencies, and/or implementation of recommendations; to include revision of policy, if needed.


4.2.11         After the completion of the re- inspection, a Command Briefing with the Chief of Police or his or her designee, the affected unit (and optionally its chain of command) and members of the Staff Inspections Section Unit will be held to review the findings of the final report. The final Staff Inspection report will include the affected unit’s response to deficiencies, corrective measures, implementation of recommendations, and a schedule for any item, not yet completed. A copy of the final report will be sent to the Planning & Research/ Accreditation Unit.


4.2.12         If there were any deficiencies or corrective measures in the final report, affected commanders will provide SIU with progress reports 90 days after the Command Briefing. SIU will conduct follow up inspections as necessary for noted deficiencies that cannot be immediately corrected and document the results of that follow up inspection in writing.


4.2.13         SIU will maintain all inspection reports and files. No portion of any staff inspection report or material associated with it may be released or removed without the approval of the Chief of Police or his or her designee.


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1              Line Inspection: an inspection conducted by supervisors in control of the persons, facilities, procedures, or other elements being inspected. Line inspections may be carried out by any supervisor within the chain of command and are often conducted by supervisory personnel who may also be responsible for ensuring that any substandard conditions revealed in the inspection are corrected.


5.2              Staff Inspection: an inspection conducted by personnel who do not have control of the persons, facilities, or procedures being inspected. The Staff Inspections Unit, responsible for conducting inspections throughout the Department, conducts staff inspections.


6.               CANCELLATIONS


                  APD.SOP.1090 “Inspections”, December 1, 2007


7.               REFERENCES


                  CALEA 5th edition standards 53.1.1, 53.2.1


                  Form APD 607: Daily Activity Report

                  Form APD 838: Line Inspections Checklist for Sworn Employees

                  Form APD 839: Line Inspections Checklist for Non-Sworn Employees

                  Form APD 731: Facility Inspection Checklist

                  Form APD 732: Vehicle Inspection Checklist