July 1, 2004, revised November 1, 2004 This directive establishes Departmental procedures for the City's Performance Evaluation System for the evaluation of employees' performance.

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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual










Standard Operating



Effective Date

April 1, 2007



Performance Evaluation

Applicable To:  All employees

Approval Authority:  Chief Richard J. Pennington

Signature:  Signed by RJP

Date Signed:  4/26/07


Table of Content

 1.        PURPOSE  PAGEREF _Toc163018790 \h 1

2.        POLICY   PAGEREF _Toc163018791 \h 1

3.        RESPONSIBILITIES  PAGEREF _Toc163018792 \h 1

4.        ACTION  PAGEREF _Toc163018793 \h 2

4.1        Performance Development Plan Meeting  PAGEREF _Toc163018794 \h 2

4.2        Review and Approval PAGEREF _Toc163018795 \h 4

4.3        During the Evaluation Period  PAGEREF _Toc163018796 \h 4

4.4        Appraisal PAGEREF _Toc163018797 \h 5

4.5        Performance Probation  PAGEREF _Toc163018798 \h 7



1.               PURPOSE


This directive establishes Departmental procedures for the City's Performance Evaluation System for the evaluation of employees' performance.


2.               POLICY


The Atlanta Police Department will implement the City’s Performance Evaluation System, working toward the following objectives:


1.    To improve the measurement of performance.


2.    To foster better communication and teamwork by clearly outlining the link between Critical Job Elements and Department strategies.


3.    To promote a high-performance culture by establishing Performance Indicators that measure the successful completion of key duties and responsibilities.


4.    To develop the City’s most valuable asset, its employees, by providing career planning opportunities.


City Code Section 114-126 provides for salary increases based on a satisfactory performance evaluation.  This ordinance is under review: when finalized, its provisions will be reflected in this directive.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              The Chief of Police appoints the Department Performance Evaluation Team.  The Performance Evaluation team is responsible for coordinating, administering, monitoring, adjusting and evaluating the Performance Evaluation program within the Police Department.  The team will report directly to the Chief or his designee.  Additional “Subject Matter Experts” from the Department will be assigned to work with the team as needed.


3.2              Bureau, division, and section commanders will implement this directive in their respective commands. Bureau and division commanders will appoint Performance Evaluation Coordinators and may appoint Performance Evaluation teams. Each section commander will appoint a Performance Evaluation Coordinator and submit his or her name to the Personnel Services Unit.


3.3              The Personnel Services Unit commander will:


3.3.1           Manage the Performance Evaluation process (e.g. process files and evaluation forms and answer questions about policy and procedures).


3.3.2           Provide commanders and supervisors with their employee’s PeopleSoft ID Numbers.


3.3.3           Provide bureau and division commanders the rating histories of their subordinate supervisor for the previous year within the 1st quarter of the subsequent year.


3.4              Performance Evaluation coordinators designated within each bureau, division, and section will assist with the implementation of the Performance Evaluation system and coordinate the bureau, division, or section’s efforts within the Performance Evaluation team.


3.5              Supervisors will implement the performance evaluation process with their employees and will work with the Performance Evaluation team and Personnel Services Unit to identify and resolve problems and ways to improve the system. Supervisors will meet with their employees as required to review performance progress, to ensure they receive an annual evaluation, and to ensure that probationary employees receive evaluations consistent with Section 4.5.


3.6              Employees will participate in the performance evaluation process and will work with their supervisors to identify and resolve problems and ways to improve the system.


3.7              The Training Academy will be responsible for training all new supervisors in the performance evaluation process and reviewing the performance evaluation process with all supervisors every three years or after significant changes to the performance evaluation process.


3.8              The Field Inspections commander will monitor the evaluation of members of the Atlanta Retired Police Reserve in accordance with APD.SOP.2190.


4.               ACTION


4.1              Performance Development Plan Meeting


4.1.1           In preparation for the Performance Development Plan (PDP) Meeting, each supervisor will review the following background information: The performance evaluation process, subordinates’ job descriptions, and any sample Critical Job Elements and Performance Indicators developed by the Performance Evaluation Team.


4.1.2           Supervisor will meet with each of the employees under his or her direct supervision in a Performance Development Plan (PDP) Meeting to develop Critical Job Elements and Performance Indicators. The supervisor will conduct this process at the start of each successive evaluation period, within 15 calendar days of the signing for the prior appraisal or within 15 calendar days of an employee being hired, transferred, promoted, or demoted.


4.1.3           During the Performance Development Plan (PDP) Meeting, the supervisor will share the background information and will be open to the employee’s ideas and input.


4.1.4           Supervisors will base the Critical Job Elements and Performance Indicators to be used during the evaluation period on the following factors:


1.    The employee’s job description;


2.    Any sample job elements and indicators developed by the Performance Evaluation Team;


3.    Department objectives for the bureau, division, and section; and


4.    The supervisor and employees’ expectations for the assignment.


4.1.5           The supervisor and employee will identify no less than three and no more than five Critical Job Elements (from appendix A) that describe the most critical functions of the employee’s job. For each Critical Job Element, they will develop at least two Performance Indicators. Use the City of Atlanta Performance Development Plan (Form 002) for each Critical Job Element. The Performance Indicator will be specific, attainable and measurable. For example, “the employee will receive no more than two (2) customer service complaints per quarter”.


4.1.6           The source used to document the performance indicator must be identified in this section of the evaluation, such as weekly, monthly, or incident reports; memos (summarizing accounts or events during evaluation period); citations (tracking productivity); and feedback documents (provided from various customers served by the employee). For example, if the performance indicator is to “report to work on time as scheduled,” the documentation would consist of the (Kronos) attendance log/ Sign-in Sheet.


4.1.7           The supervisor and employee will establish employee development goals to correct deficiencies in performance, if any, using the City of Atlanta Performance Improvement Plan (Form 005).  The requirements of the Performance Improvement Plan will be measurable (i.e. quantity, quality, cost or timeliness). The Performance Improvement Plan is required when an employee receives a rating of “Needs Improvement” or “Unacceptable” on the annual appraisal or when an employee is placed on performance probation. On all other occasions, the supervisor may document unsatisfactory performance using the Atlanta Police Department Periodic Review Form (APD 235).


4.1.8           Note that the supervisor has the options of (1) setting common Critical Job Elements and Performance Indicators for employees with similar jobs and (2) setting shared Critical Job Elements and Performance Indicators for employees whose performance is best measured as a team. In these cases, the supervisor may meet with the employees as a group.


4.1.9           If the employee being rated supervises other employees and conducts appraisals, their Critical Job Elements must include the “supervision of subordinates.”


4.1.10         At the conclusion of the Performance Development Plan (PDP) Meeting, the supervisor and employee will sign and date the City of Atlanta Performance Development Plan forms (Form 002). The supervisor will give the Performance Development Plan forms to his or her supervisor for approval. If the supervisor and employee cannot reach an agreement, the supervisor’s supervisor will resolve the issue(s).


4.2              Review and Approval


4.2.1           If the supervisor’s supervisor approves the Performance Development Plan (Form 002), he or she will initial the top of each form and return the original forms to the supervisor. The supervisor will file the original Performance Development Plan forms and give a copy of each form to the employee. If the supervisor’s supervisor does not approve the Performance Development Plan, he or she will discuss the reasons with the supervisor. The supervisor will discuss the recommended changes with the employee and, upon reaching an agreement, the supervisor will make the necessary changes as soon as possible. This review process should occur within seven days.


4.2.2           The supervisor’s supervisor will give a copy of the Performance Development Plan forms to the section Performance Evaluation Coordinator who will notify the supervisor of any deficiencies as soon as possible. The approval by the supervisor’s supervisor is sufficient for the supervisor and employee to put the Performance Evaluation into effect.


4.3              During the Evaluation Period


4.3.1           The supervisor will:


1.    Make opportunities to observe the employee’s performance and keep notes on the employee’s performance. The supervisor will use the Atlanta Police Department Periodic Review Form (APD 235) to document the employee’s performance. File these forms at the unit level.


2.    Meet with the employee at least on the scheduled “Review Dates” to assess, coach, counsel, and review performance progress. The employee will be given an opportunity to review and sign Periodic Review Form (APD 235). If the employee requests a copy of the Periodic Review Form (APD 235), the supervisor will provide the employee with a copy of the form.


3.    Gather information on performance results and compare with the Performance Indicators.


4.    Communicate with the employee about progress and areas needing improvement. Use positive feedback to reinforce the employee’s successes.


5.    Identify systemic, procedural, and performance problems before they impact the outcome; help to remove obstacles.


6.    Set specific goals to correct current performance problems and develop the employee’s skills.


7.    Discuss opportunities for career advancement, specialized training opportunities, or other relevant career counseling matters.


8.    When necessary, propose changes to the Critical Job Elements and Performance Indicators for approval by the supervisor’s supervisor.


9.    The supervisor must notify non-probationary employees and the Personnel Services Unit in writing at least 90 days before the evaluation period ends if performance is unacceptable or needs improvement. Written notification will be in the form of a memorandum accompanied by supporting documentation.


4.3.2           The employee will identify to his or her supervisor any need for revising the Critical Job Elements or Performance Indicators. The employee will identify work performance problems to the supervisor and cooperate in resolving them by jointly setting objectives for improving work performance. The employee will also attend and complete training and development activities designed to improve current or future job performance.


4.4              Appraisal


4.4.1           All APD employees will receive an annual evaluation as designated by the City’s Department of Human Resources. At least 60 calendar days in advance of the designated evaluation cutoff date, the Personnel Services Unit will notify the bureau and division commanders of the requirement for an evaluation. The bureau or division commander will immediately notify the employees’ supervisors. The Personnel Services Unit will also notify the bureau or division commander of past due performance evaluations.


4.4.2           The supervisor will complete the Performance Evaluation portion of the original Performance Development Plan forms (Form 002) for the employee. For each Critical Job Element, select one of the ratings (outstanding, highly effective, effective, needs improvement, unacceptable) and justify in writing the reasons for the rating. The reasons must be expressed in terms of the Performance Indicator(s); also describe any other significant factors that affected performance. Sign and date the forms. The justification will include the measure(s) used to arrive at the specified rating. It will always be included in the “Rating Justification” section of the Performance Evaluation (Form 002) or an indicated attachment.


4.4.3           Supervisors will prepare the City of Atlanta Performance Evaluation Form (Form 001). In the Evaluation Conference portion of the form, the supervisor will select the overall rating based on the “Overall Performance Evaluation Rating Chart” in appendix B and the ratings on the City of Atlanta Form 002.


4.4.4           Personal knowledge of the employee’s job performance may include combinations of personal observation, reports, statistics, other supervisors, citizens, disciplinary reports, etc. This is considered supporting documentation and will remain in the employee’s unit file with the evaluation in the event it is needed to resolve an appeal. Observations will be reduced to writing at the time of their occurrence to be considered valid. The Periodic Review Form APD 235 will be used to document observations and corrective measures implemented by the supervisor.


4.4.5           The supervisor will submit the performance evaluation package to the employee who is being evaluated at least 50 calendar days prior to the employee’s evaluation cutoff date. The supervisor will review the performance evaluation package with the employee and provide feedback to the employee regarding the performance ratings. At this time, the supervisor will begin the process of opening a new Performance Development Plan on the employee, discuss Critical Job Elements and Performance Indicators for the next evaluation period, and discuss any specialized or advanced training opportunities that are available to the employee.


4.4.6           The employee will be given the opportunity to review the appraisal, sign and date the Performance Evaluation Form, and make written comments to supplement the Performance Evaluation Form. The employee’s signature indicates only that the employee has read the appraisal and does not imply agreement or disagreement with the appraisal.  The employee will return the signed evaluation to the supervisor for further processing.  If the employee refuses to sign the evaluation form, the supervisor will write, "Employee refused to sign" in the block reserved for the employee's signature and continue to process the unsigned evaluation.


4.4.7           The supervisor will submit the completed performance evaluation package to his or her supervisor at least 40 calendar days prior to the employee's evaluation cutoff date.  The supervisor’s supervisor will review and sign each performance evaluation package to ensure that performance evaluation ratings are being administered in a fair, impartial, and uniform manner.


4.4.8           Employees who disagree with the appraisal may appeal the appraisal to the supervisor’s supervisor, documenting the reasons for the appeal on the Performance Evaluation Form and/or an attachment. If the employee has appealed the appraisal, the supervisor’s supervisor will meet with the employee to discuss the reasons for the appeal. The supervisor’s supervisor will review the supporting documentation as it correlates to the Critical Job Elements and their Performance Indicators that resulted in the employee’s rating as indicated by the Evaluation Rating Chart.


4.4.9           If approving the evaluation, the supervisor’s supervisor will sign and date the Performance Evaluation Form in the block designated for “Department Evaluation Reviewer” and return the performance evaluation package to the supervisor. The supervisor will forward the approved performance evaluation package to the bureau or division commander as in Section 4.4.13 below.


4.4.10         If disapproving the evaluation, the supervisor’s supervisor will discuss the reasons with the supervisor.


1.    The supervisor will meet with the employee to discuss the supervisor’s concerns and make any necessary corrections as soon as possible. If the employee and the supervisor cannot resolve the concerns, the employee may meet with the supervisor and the supervisor’s supervisor to attempt to resolve them.


2.    If after meeting with the employee, the supervisor and the supervisor’s supervisor still cannot agree on the issue(s), the supervisor’s supervisor will attach a written statement setting forth the full issue(s). This statement becomes part of the evaluation.


4.4.11         If the employee still wishes to appeal the evaluation, the supervisor will ask the employee to sign the evaluation and to attach a written statement to the evaluation that will become part of the evaluation. If the employee refuses to sign, the supervisor will write “Employee refuses to sign” in the block reserved for the employee’s signature and will process the unsigned evaluation as in Section 4.4.13 below.


4.4.12         If the supervisor’s supervisor cannot resolve the dispute, employees may appeal to the Department Performance Evaluation Team (on behalf of the Chief of Police). When the performance evaluation reaches the Personnel Services Unit, the Department Performance Evaluation Coordinator will forward the evaluation to the Department Performance Evaluation Team. All relevant written supporting documentation will be requested at that time to be forwarded with the employee’s evaluation (i.e. awards, commendation letters, counseling forms, adverse action, the Periodic Review Form APD 235, etc.). The Department Performance Evaluation Team will review the performance evaluation and make recommendations to the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police’s determination is the final decision and conclusion of the dispute process. Employees may not file a grievance over the results of an evaluation.


4.4.13         The supervisor will provide a copy of the performance evaluation package to the employee after the supervisor’s supervisor has signed it.  The supervisor will attach a Performance Evaluation Transmittal Form (APD-234) to the original performance evaluation packages and forward the packages through the chain of command for the bureau or division commander's review and signature in the portion of the Performance Evaluation Form for “Bureau Head or Equivalent”.  The bureau or division commander will retain a copy of each performance evaluation package for the unit files.  Once the bureau or division commander signs the evaluations, the bureau or division commander will forward the original signed packages to the Personnel Services Unit.  Personnel Services will not accept performance evaluations that are not accompanied by the Performance Evaluation Transmittal Form. The unit copy of the Performance Evaluation and its source documentation will be maintained in the employee’s unit file for three years.  Then, evaluations will be maintained in compliance with the City of Atlanta’s records retention schedule. 


4.4.14         The Personnel Services Unit will conduct an administrative review of performance evaluation packages.  If administrative errors are found, Personnel will return the packages to the bureau or division for correction.  The corrected evaluation will be returned to the Personnel Services Unit within 7 business days (i.e., Monday-Friday). If administrative errors are not found, Personnel Services will forward the packages to the Chief of Police for approval/signature.  After the performance evaluation package is received back from the Chief of Police's office, the Personnel Services Unit will file a copy of the performance evaluation package in the employee’s personnel file and send the original package to the Department of Human Resources.  Personnel Services will maintain a copy of the completed performance evaluation package for a minimum of three years.


4.5              Performance Probation


4.5.1           If an employee is rated “Needs Improvement” or “Unacceptable” on the annual evaluation, the supervisor will prepare an improvement plan for the employee using the City of Atlanta Performance Improvement Plan form (Form 005). Attach a copy of the improvement plan to the annual evaluation package.


4.5.2           The improvement plan will be for a minimum of 60 days but will not exceed 180 days. The supervisor will specify the improvement plan time period in the “Steps to be Taken” portion of the Performance Improvement Plan form.


4.5.3           The supervisor will evaluate the employee monthly for up to five months using the Atlanta Police Department Periodic Review Form (APD 235).


4.5.4           At the end of the probationary period, or after the employee’s performance has been acceptable for 60 days, the supervisor may close the probation. To remove the employee from probation, complete the City of Atlanta Performance Improvement Plan and process the original form through the chain of command to the APD Personnel Services Unit. Keep a copy of the form in the unit. The period covered on the annual appraisal will include the performance probation period.


4.5.5           If the employee’s rating is still “Needs Improvement” or “Unacceptable” at the end of the evaluation period, other administrative actions may be necessary. Refer to the Employees Work Rules (APD.SOP.2010), and the Atlanta Police Department Disciplinary Process (APD.SOP.2020).


4.5.6           Note that there is a rigid time schedule on the evaluation process. All parties involved should expedite the process to ensure that deadlines are met.


4.6              Transfers


4.6.1           When an employee is transferred, the former supervisor will conduct the appraisal, as in Section 4.4, within 15 calendar days after the transfer.  When a supervisor is transferred, he or she may need to close out the appraisal of all subordinates within 15 calendar days after the transfer.  The supervisor being transferred will coordinate with the new supervisor to see if the performance evaluation package will remain open under the new supervisor.  If not, the supervisor being transferred will complete a close out report on his or her former employees and send all closed out evaluation reports through the chain of command to the Personnel Services Unit. 


4.6.2           If the new supervisor and employee agree and the employee's evaluation cutoff date is over 90 days away, the new supervisor may keep the package open and continue the established Critical Job Elements, Performance Indicators, and time frame.  This agreement will be documented on the City of Atlanta Performance Development Plan form (Form 002).  The agreement will include the date the agreement is made and both the employee and supervisor's signatures. 


4.7              Probationary Evaluations


4.7.1           Newly hired civilian employees will be evaluated for six months as probationary employees. Use the performance evaluation procedure for the Performance Development Plan meeting and final appraisal with the following exceptions:


1.    Complete and process the original Atlanta Police Department Periodic Review Form (APD 235) through the chain of command to the Personnel Services Unit at the end of the second month and fourth month.


2.    For the final probationary evaluations (normally the sixth month), process an original City of Atlanta Performance Evaluation Form (Form 001) through the chain of command to the Personnel Services Unit.


4.7.2           Newly sworn probationary employees must be evaluated monthly, for a six month period, beginning with graduation from the Training Academy. Evaluation criteria for the newly sworn probationary employees must determine the employee’s suitability for the sworn position and the employee’s ability to actually perform the required functions. Follow the procedures in paragraph 4.7.1 above to process the probationary evaluations.


4.7.3           If a probationary employee’s performance rating is not at least effective or if more time is required to assess the employee’s ability, the supervisor may request an extension of the probation at the end of the fifth month. To request an extension, the supervisor will submit a memorandum, through the chain of command, to the Personnel Services Unit. The Personnel Services Unit will in turn forward a memorandum to the Department of Human Resources at least 15 days prior to the end of the six-month probationary period. If the probation extension is approved, complete the final evaluation no later than 15 calendar days prior to the expiration date of the extended probationary period (usually the ninth month).


1.    If the employee’s performance is still not acceptable, the supervisor may request termination for a probationary employee.


2.    If the employee’s performance is satisfactory, continue the performance evaluation package until the annual evaluation is due.


4.7.4           Newly promoted sworn supervisors will serve a 12-month probationary period. Use the performance evaluation procedure for the Performance Development Plan meeting and final appraisals. Use the Atlanta Police Department Periodic Review Form at the end of the first month through the eleventh month.  Use procedures for processing final appraisals in Section 4.4 to process the final probationary evaluation.  Unsatisfactory performance may result in returning the employee to the job class held prior to the promotion.  Extension of probation is not permitted for newly promoted sworn supervisors.


4.7.5           Newly promoted civilian supervisors will serve a 6-month probationary period.  Use the evaluation procedures in Section 4.7.1 to process these evaluations.  If performance is unsatisfactory, the supervisor has the following options:


1.    Request to return the employee to the job class held prior to the promotion.


2.    Follow the steps in Section 4.7.3 to extend probation up to six additional months.


a.    If the employee’s performance is still not acceptable, the supervisor may request the return of the employee to the job class held prior to the promotion.


b.    If the employee’s performance is satisfactory, continue the performance evaluation package until the end of extended probation.


4.8              Borrowed Personnel


4.8.1           The unit borrowing an employee temporarily for 30 calendar days or more must complete a performance evaluation on the employee while the employee is temporarily assigned.  The temporary supervisor will conduct a Performance Development Plan Meeting with the employee within 10 calendar days after the employee has been temporarily assigned for 30 days. 


4.8.2           During the Evaluation Period, the temporary supervisors who prepare the Atlanta Police Department Periodic Review Form (APD-235) will file those forms at the unit until the completion of the final appraisal.  Select block 16 on the APD-235 to show that the employee is borrowed personnel.


4.8.3           Borrowed personnel will need an interim performance evaluation appraisal if the employee was with the unit for 90 or more calendar days and he or she transfers out of the unit prior to the requirement for a final appraisal.  If the employee transfers out of the borrowed personnel status prior to receipt of a final evaluation, the temporary supervisor will close out the performance evaluation package as in Section 4.4 within 15 calendar days after the transfer and forward the package to the supervisor now responsible for the employee.  This supervisor will consider the interim performance evaluation package when completing the final evaluation on the employee.


4.8.4           Interim reports will serve as the final performance evaluation report if the employee’s transfer date is within 60 calendar days of the employee’s evaluation cutoff date.


4.8.5           Temporary supervisors will complete and process final appraisals on employees temporarily assigned as borrowed personnel if the employee has been assigned for 90 or more calendar days and a final appraisal becomes due.  Follow the procedures outlined in Section 4.4 above.  In addition, if the employee has a current performance evaluation package on file with another supervisor, the temporary supervisor will include both performance evaluation packages when completing the final appraisal.


4.9              Performance Probation


1.    If borrowed personnel are placed on performance probation, the employee will not transfer until he or she completes the probationary period.


2.    Employees will not be transferred as borrowed personnel while serving on performance probation.


4.10            An employee in an inactive status is eligible to receive a performance evaluation only after the employee has been back to duty for at least 90 days.


4.11            An employee on administrative absence with pay may be eligible to receive a performance evaluation upon his or her return to duty if he or she has worked at least 90 days with current assignment and supervisor. Contact the Personnel Services Unit for assistance.


4.12            Completed Performance Evaluation forms will be maintained in accordance with APD.SOP.6080 “Personnel Services Unit” and will be available only to those individuals who have a “right to know.”


4.13            The Department Performance Evaluation Team will monitor the implementation of the Performance Evaluation System, recommend changes in policy and procedure, interpret policy and procedure, and plan for improvements.  The chairman of the Department Performance Evaluation Team will report in writing to the Chief of Police as to progress and problems by July 31st of each year.


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1              Borrowed Personnel:  An employee can be “borrowed” from one commander by another.  The time worked by the employee and reported by the borrowing commander is recorded on the time book of the employee’s commander.


5.2              PeopleSoft ID Number:  The employee's payroll number as determined by the City at least during the scheduled “Review Dates” of Atlanta Department of Human Resources.


5.3              Evaluation Period: The time from the establishment of a Performance Evaluation package by the supervisor and employee until the evaluation is required.


5.4              Critical Job Element: One of the three to five tasks or groups of tasks that are critical to the performance of the employee’s job.


5.5              Evaluation Cutoff Dates: Determined by the Personnel Services Unit based on DHR requirements.


5.6              Review Dates: Determined by the Personnel Services Unit based on the evaluation due date specified by DHR.


5.7              Performance Indicator: A description of the level of accomplishment necessary for the employee to earn an "effective" performance rating.  Performance Indicators must be:


1.    Objective


2.    Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely (SMART)


3.    Tied to the Department’s missions, goals, and objectives


5.8              Performance Rating: The rating for each critical job element and overall evaluation.


1.    Outstanding: The employee consistently exceeded or surpassed reasonable customer expectations as defined by the Performance Indicators.


2.    Highly Effective: The employee often exceeded reasonable customer expectations as defined by the Performance Indicators.


3.    Effective:  The employee met and may have periodically exceeded reasonable customer expectations as defined by the Performance Indicators.


4.    Needs Improvement:  The employee met most but not all expected performance standards.


5.    Unacceptable:  The employee missed reasonable customer expectations as defined by the Performance Indicators.


5.9              Justification: Proof of an employee’s performance extracted from applicable source documentation and summarized in the comment(s) section of the performance evaluation.


5.10            Overall Performance Rating:  Outstanding, Highly Effective, Effective, Needs Improvement, and Unacceptable.  Refer to the chart at appendix B.


5.11            Performance Evaluation Package:  The City of Atlanta Performance Evaluation Form (Form 001), the City of Atlanta Performance Development Plan form (form 002), the City of Atlanta Performance Improvement Plan form (Form 005) if needed, and any other relevant documentation completed for an employee for a specific period of time. 


5.12            Performance Evaluation Team:  A group of Department employees appointed by the Chief of Police to provide policy guidance in the development and implementation of the Performance Evaluation process.  A similar group of employees may be appointed at the bureau or division level.


5.13            Periodic Review:  Formal meetings between the rater and employee during the evaluation period.  The purpose of the periodic review is to review job performance, make changes and/or revisions to Performance Indicators, reinforce desirable behaviors, identify potential and/or existing problems areas and develop a Performance Improvement Plan to correct unacceptable performance.  Document periodic review sessions on the Atlanta Police Department Periodic Review Form (APD-235).


5.14            Supporting (Source) Documentation:  A written document representative of an employee’s performance, relating to a particular performance indicator and aiding in its measurement.  


6.               CANCELLATIONS


                  APD.SOP.2090 “Performance Evaluation,” Issued July 1, revised November 1, 2004.


7.               REFERENCES


                  Department of Human Resources Performance Evaluation manual, February 4, 2004.


                  Atlanta City Code of Ordinances, Sections 114-126 (Annual Increments), 114-251 (Probationary Period), 114-328 (Extension of Time), 114-329 (Promotional Appointments), 114-333 (Probationary Period Reports), and 114-396 through 114-401 (Employee Performance Evaluation).


                  APD.SOP.2010 “Work Rules”


                  APD.SOP.2020 “Disciplinary Process”


                  APD.SOP.6080 "Personnel Services Unit”


                  CALEA 5th edition Standards 35.1.1; 35.1.2; 35.1.3; 35.1.4; 35.1.5; 35.1.6; 35.1.7; 35.1.8.


7.1              Appendix A:


7.1.1           Critical Job Elements for the Atlanta Police Department




Community policing


Operational procedures


Law enforcement




Implementation of performance evaluation


Issued or assigned city equipment/property


Departmental policies and procedures


7.2              Appendix B:


7.2.1           Overall Performance Evaluation Rating Chart