June 1, 2005 The purpose of each APD specialized assignment is to support the Field Operation Division and its efforts to control crime within the City of Atlanta.

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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual










Standard Operating



Effective Date

December 15, 2010



Specialized and Temporary Assignments

Applicable To:  All sworn employees

Approval Authority:  Chief George N. Turner

Signature:  Signed by GNT

Date Signed:  12/8/10


Table of Content

 1.          PURPOSE  PAGEREF _Toc280611776 \h 1

2.          POLICY   PAGEREF _Toc280611777 \h 1

3.          RESPONSIBILITIES  PAGEREF _Toc280611778 \h 1

4.          ACTION  PAGEREF _Toc280611779 \h 1

4.2           Announcing Openings / Specialized Assignments  PAGEREF _Toc280611780 \h 3

4.3           Eligibility and Selection Process  PAGEREF _Toc280611781 \h 3


4.4           Annual Review of Specialized Assignments  PAGEREF _Toc280611782 \h 4

4.5           Temporary assignments  PAGEREF _Toc280611783 \h 4

5.          DEFINITIONS  PAGEREF _Toc280611784 \h 5

6.          CANCELLATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc280611785 \h 5

7.          REFERENCES  PAGEREF _Toc280611786 \h 5


1.               PURPOSE


The purpose of each Atlanta Police Department specialized assignment is to support the Field Operation Division and its efforts to control crime within the City of Atlanta.


2.               POLICY


The Atlanta Police Department will provide a fair, uniform, and consistent application and selection process for specialized and temporary assignments.  Specialized assignments will be reviewed annually to determine whether they should be continued.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              Division commanders will conduct an annual review of specialized assignments under their command, maintain a written record of the same, and oversee the selection process for specialized assignments.


3.2              Section commanders will announce all openings for specialized assignments within their command and implement a fair, uniform, and consistent selection process.


4.               ACTION


4.1              A specialized assignment is any assignment or position characterized by increased levels of responsibility and/or specialized training, but within a given position classification.


4.1.1           Specialized assignments are not promotions, and include but are not limited to the following positions, units or teams:


1.    SWAT Officer


2.    Traffic Unit Motorcycle Officer


3.    Traffic Unit Motorcycle Officer


4.    Hit and Run Officer


5.    Helicopter Pilot or Observer


6.    DUI Officer


7.    Bicycle Patrol Officer


8.    Field Investigation Team


9.    Strike Teams


10.  Zone Crime Analysis    


11.  Police Canine Handler  


12.  Red Dog Officer


13.  Weed and Seed Officer


14.  Bomb Technicians


15.  Tactical Crime Analysis Unit Officer


16.  Training Unit Instructor


17.  Planning and Research Officer


18.  Staff Inspections Officer


19.  Audit and Compliance Unit (Central Records)


20.  Commercial Vehicle Unit


21.  Zone Discretionary Unit


22.  Crime Suppression Unit


23.  Property and Evidence Unit


24.  Hostage and Negotiation Team


25.  Homeland Security Unit


26.  Electronic Surveillance Unit


27.  Narcotics Unit


28.  Intelligence Organized Crime Unit


29.  Asset Forfeiture Unit


30.  Fugitive Unit


31.  Fraud Unit


32.  Violent Crime Impact Team


33.  Gangs Unit


34.  Guns Unit


4.2              Announcing Openings for Specialized Assignments


4.2.1           Section commanders are responsible for announcing openings for specialized assignments Department wide in the Daily Bulletin.  Zone commanders may limit announcement for specializations 6, 7, 8 and 9 (Section 4.1.1) to officers in the zone.

                  (CALEA 5th ed. standard 16.2.2)


4.2.2           The announcement should include: the position to be filled; the minimum criteria required for that position; the skills, knowledge, and abilities required for that position; the formal education, experience, training, and skills, and/or length of service required, as well as the method and deadline for applying for that position. (CALEA 5th ed. standard 16.2.2)


4.2.3           Section and watch commanders will notify employees in their command of specialized assignments openings throughout the Department by announcing openings at roll call or by posting the announcement appearing in the Daily Bulletin at their work sites.

                  (CALEA 5th ed. standard 16.2.2)


4.3              Eligibility and Selection Process


4.3.1           The minimum requirements for eligibility are:


1.    An Applicant must have two years of continuous experience as a police officer with the Atlanta Police Department and must have the required specialized skills, knowledge and abilities required for the specialized position. Lateral officer must have at least two years of continuous experience with the Atlanta Police Department and must have the required skills, knowledge and abilities required for the specialized position.


2.    Satisfactory/effective or better performance evaluations for the previous two years.


3.    No adverse disciplinary action within the previous 12 months.


4.3.2           The minimum requirements for the selection process are:


1.    Written application;


2.    Review board; and


3.    Interview.


4.3.3           Division, section, or unit commanders will be responsible for implementing a fair, uniform, and consistent selection process based on the particular specialized assignment. (CALEA 5th ed. standard 16.2.2)


4.4              Annual Review of Specialized Assignments


4.4.1           At the end of each calendar year, division commanders will conduct a review of each specialized assignment within their chain of command giving consideration for an opportunity for individual growth as well as improved job satisfaction and performance.

                   (CALEA 5th ed. Standard 16.2.3.)


4.4.2           The annual review will include a listing of each specialized assignment, a statement of purpose for each listed assignment, the evaluation of the initial problem or condition that required implementation of the specialized assignment, and whether or not the specialized assignment should be continued the following year.


4.4.3           Copies of the annual review will be submitted to the Corporate Services Section commander and to Planning and Research/Accreditation.  Reviews will be kept on file for three years.

                  (CALEA 5th ed. standard 16.2.1)


4.5              Temporary assignments


4.5.1           Temporary assignments are assignments that are not permanent in nature, designed to perform a specific task or meet a specific need for a limited and specified period of time.


4.5.2           An employee assigned to a temporary assignment will have his or her work hours recorded on a Borrowed Personnel Form and carried on his or her permanent assignment's time-book.


4.5.3           Temporary assignments are not promotions, and include but are not limited to:


1.    Auto Theft Task Force


2.    Vice Detail  


4.5.4           Employees being placed in temporary assignments will be given as much advance notice of that assignment as possible and practical.


4.5.5           In a division-to-division temporary assignment, the two division commanders will document their agreement in a memo, signed by both.  The memo will state the length of time for the assignment, no more than 90 days.  If the requesting commander is ready to send the employee back prior to the end of the period, he or she may do so at any time.  If the lending commander needs to have the employee returned prior to the end of the temporary assignment period, he or she will state that need in a memo and route it through the same approval process.


4.5.6           If a proposed section-to-section temporary assignment is within a division, the two section commanders will document their agreement in a memo, signed by both of them and by the division commander.  Otherwise the section commanders will follow the procedure in 4.5.5.


4.5.7           After the temporary assignment ends, employees must return to their permanent assignment for at least 90 days before being reassigned to the same, or another, temporary assignment. Commanders who desire an extension of the temporary assignment, due to the particular skills and abilities of the employee or the needs of the Department, may make a written request to the affected division commander for a time extension of no more than 90 days at a time, or a permanent transfer of the employee.  No temporary assignment, with extensions, will last longer than a year.


4.5.8           Division, section, and unit commanders will be responsible for selecting employees for temporary assignments.  Criteria that should be considered include: the skills, knowledge, and abilities required for that position; and the formal education, experience, training, skills, and/or length of service of the employee. (CALEA 5th ed. standard 16.2.3)


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1              Skills, Knowledge and Abilities:  Skills are the proficiency with which an individual/employee performs a specialized or temporary assignment. Knowledge is a body of information or the understanding gained through learning, education, experience or associations. Abilities are processes required to perform the various job responsibilities.


5.2              Specialized Assignment:  An assignment or position characterized by increased levels of responsibility and/or specialized training, but within a given position classification typically characterized by a transfer by personnel order.


5.3              Temporary Assignment:  Any assignment that is not permanent, to perform a specific task for a specific period of time typically characterized by a use of a borrowed personnel form.


6.               CANCELLATIONS


                  APD.SOP.2101 Specialized and Temporary Assignments, issued November 21, 2007


7.               REFERENCES


                  APD.SOP.2080 Training


                  Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), 5th Edition. Standards 16.2.1; 16.2.2; 16.2.3