August 16, 2004 This directive provides for the analysis of workload and the allocation of personnel in accordance with workload.

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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual










Standard Operating



Effective Date

December 2, 2010



Workload Analysis and Personnel Allocation

Applicable To:  Division and section commanders

Approval Authority:  Chief George N. Turner

Signature:  Signed by GNT

Date Signed:  12/3/10


  Table of Contents    

1.          PURPOSE  PAGEREF _Toc280610397 \h 1

2.          POLICY   PAGEREF _Toc280610398 \h 1

3.          RESPONSIBILITIES  PAGEREF _Toc280610399 \h 1

4.          ACTION  PAGEREF _Toc280610400 \h 1

4.1           Patrol Workload Analysis  PAGEREF _Toc280610401 \h 1

4.2           FOD Analysis  PAGEREF _Toc280610402 \h 2

4.3           FOD Investigations Analysis  PAGEREF _Toc280610403 \h 2

4.4           Zone Analysis  PAGEREF _Toc280610404 \h 3

5.          DEFINITIONS  PAGEREF _Toc280610405 \h 4

6.          CANCELLATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc280610406 \h 4

7.          REFERENCES  PAGEREF _Toc280610407 \h 4



1.               PURPOSE


This directive provides for the analysis of workload and the allocation of personnel in accordance with workload.


2.               POLICY


The Department allocates personnel to divisions and sections in accordance with workload assessments.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              Bureau, division, and Section Commanders will allocate personnel to the organizational components of their commands in accordance with the workload.  In particular, the FOD and Zone Commanders will allocate police officers in accordance with the workload as defined herein.


3.2              The Communications Section will make CAD data available in support of workload analysis.


3.3              The Crime Analysis Unit will make crime data available in support of workload analysis.


3.4              The Planning Research and Accreditation Unit will assist commanders in conducting workload analysis.


4.               ACTION


4.1              Patrol Workload Analysis


4.1.1           Annually, by March 1, the Planning Research and Accreditation Unit (PRAU) will analyze the distribution of workload in the zones (Form APD 684, Analysis of Calls-for-Service Workload and Patrol Manpower: FOD) and forward this analysis to the Assistant Chief for approval.  The FOD Commander will provide PRAU with the number of officers, SPO’s, and investigators assigned to each zone.


4.1.2           The Assistant Chief will forward the approved analysis to the FOD Commander to make any necessary adjustments.


1.    The Assistant Chief will allow for a 5% variance of the allocation approved


2.    If it is determined that further adjustments are necessary, the FOD Commander will submit a written explanation of the variance to the Assistant Chief.


4.1.3           The FOD Commander may request PRAU to conduct an analysis at other times when needed.


4.2              FOD Analysis


4.2.1           Annually, by April 1, the FOD Commander will review the allocation of police officers to the zones.  He or she will also review the allocation when there is a significant change in the workload or in the number of officers available to answer calls.


4.2.2           Using Form APD 685 (Investigations Workload Analysis), the FOD commander will:


1.    On line 10 enter the number of officers assigned to each zone whose assignments do not entail answering calls for service:  Mayor’s detail, Downtown Atlanta foot patrol, etc.


2.    On line 17 enter the adjusted variance if any (white boxes). The calculated allocation is provided for reference.  The total of Line 17 and line 9 must be the same.


3.    The FOD Commander will allocate officers to the zones within the limits of lines 15 and 16.


4.    If adjustment by more than 5% is necessary, the FOD Commander will forward written justification, for reasons such as geographic, crime trends, population patterns, etc. to the Assistant Chief before the adjustment is implemented.


4.2.3           The FOD Commander will make any necessary reassignments, sign the form, and forward a copy of Form APD 685 (Investigations Workload Analysis) to the Assistant Chief, zone commanders, and PRAU, and keep the form on file for three years.


4.3              FOD Investigations Analysis


4.3.1           Annually, by April 1, the FOD Commander will review the allocation of investigators to the zones.  He or she will also review the allocation when there is a significant change in the workload or in the number of investigators available.


4.3.2           Using Form APD 685 (Investigations Workload Analysis), the FOD commander will:


1.    In line 11 enter the number of investigators assigned to each zone.


2.    In line 17, enter the adjusted allocation.  Lines 15 and 16 show the 5% variation.  The total of lines 11 and 17 should be the same.


3.    If allocation of more than 5% is necessary, the FOD Commander will forward written justification, for reasons such as geographic, crime trends, population patterns, etc to the Assistant Chief before the allocation is finalized.


4.3.3           The FOD commander will make the necessary reassignments, sign the form, and forward a copy of Form APD 685 (Investigations Workload Analysis) to the Assistant Chief, Zone Commanders and PRAU, and keep the forms on file for three years.


4.4              Zone Analysis


4.4.1           Annually, by May 1, each Zone Commander will review the allocation of police officers to the watches of the zone.  He or she will also review the allocation when there is a significant change in the workload or in the number of officers available to answer calls.  All Zones and watch must be staffed with a minimum of one traffic enforcement vehicle, one truancy/curfew vehicle, two designated umbrella vehicles, and a minimum of one wagon.


4.4.2           Using Form APD 686 (Analysis of Calls-for-Service Workload and Patrol Manpower: Zone), the Zone Commander will:


1.    In Lines 1 enter the number of officers assigned to the wagon, administration and umbrella cars per watch 


2.    Lines 2, 3 & 4 represent the minimum number of officers to safely staff beats and guidelines for additional allocation based on zone workload respectively. Your adjusted allocations should be entered into the white boxes on lines 2, 3 & 4.


3.    Line 5 will represent the totals from each of the three lines 2, 3, & 4.


4.    Line 6 represents the total additional officers, if any, that may be allocated to discretionary units within the zone.


5.    Lines 7 – 15 are available to allocate additional resources to discretionary units. When all additional officers are allocated line 6 should be zero.


4.4.3           The Zone Commander will make the necessary reassignments, forward copies of Form APD 686 (Analysis of Calls-for-Service Workload and Patrol Manpower: Zone) to the FOD Administrative Office and to PRUA, and keep the forms on file for three years.


4.4.4           Zone and Watch Commanders may vary the daily assignments of their officers in accordance with the needs of the zone.


4.5              Zone Watch Commanders will allocate officers to off-days to balance the workload from day to day.


4.6              Other division and section commanders will analyze their workload and allocate personnel accordingly.


5.               DEFINITIONS




6.               CANCELLATIONS


                  APD.SOP.2181 Workload Analysis and Personnel Allocation, signed December 10, 2007


7.               REFERENCES


                  Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, 5th ed. standard 16.1.2