October 1, 2005 This directive establishes the policy governing the investigation of Department approved firearm discharges by Atlanta police officers towards animals.

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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual










Standard Operating



Effective Date

March 16, 2009



 Investigating Police Discharge Toward Animals

Applicable To:  All sworn employees

Approval Authority:  Chief Richard J. Pennington

Signature:  Signed by RJP

Date Signed: 3/16/09



1.               PURPOSE


This directive establishes the policy governing the investigation of Department approved firearm discharges by Atlanta police officers towards animals.


2.               POLICY


The Atlanta Police Department will investigate and review all Department approved firearm discharges by Atlanta police officers towards animals. This written policy does not apply to legitimate hunting activity with privately owned firearms.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              Division commanders will ensure that all employees under his/her command adhere to and comply with this policy and will review all firearm discharges involving Department approved firearms, and make any necessary recommendations concerning action related to the investigation.


3.2              Unit commanders will be responsible for overseeing all investigation files for Atlanta police discharges involving a Department approved firearm towards animals that occur within their respective units.  The unit commander will be responsible for designating the investigating supervisor in each police firearm discharge towards animals.


3.3              Investigating supervisors will ensure that sworn employees follow the approved procedure.  The investigating supervisor will ensure that an OPS command investigation file for each police firearm discharge towards animals is conducted in accordance with this directive.


3.4              Employees will be responsible for complying with this directive.


3.5              The Office of Professional Standards commander will ensure that investigations of firearms discharges are conducted in accordance with this directive. 


4.               ACTION


4.1              Officers


4.1.1           All officers will, as soon as the scene is safe, secure the incident scene of a police-involved shooting involving a Department approved firearm towards an animal, regardless of whether or not the animal was actually struck by the projectile(s)


4.1.2           The officer who discharges his or her Department approved firearm at an animal will:


1.    Immediately notify his/her supervisor of the incident.


2.    Request an Identification unit to the scene.


3.    Safely secure the partially loaded firearm when the threat no longer exists.


4.    Present the firearm for inspection, and


5.    Complete a detailed incident report.


4.2              Supervisors


4.2.1           The investigating supervisor will immediately respond to the scene.


4.2.2           The investigating supervisor will ensure that an Identification unit responds to the scene.  The supervisor will, if necessary, request the assistance of the Animal Control unit.  If the responding Animal Control unit completes a report, the supervisor will request a copy, and include it in the OPS command investigation file.


4.2.3           The investigating supervisor will inspect the officer’s weapon that has been discharged and record the number of rounds remaining in the Department approved firearm. The supervisor will also inspect the firearm and the firearm’s rounds to ensure they are authorized by the City.


4.2.4           The investigating supervisor will canvass the area, and interview all witnesses at the scene.


4.2.5           The investigating supervisor will ensure all evidence at the incident scene is collected, including spent shell casings from the officer’s Department approved firearm, and all of the collected evidence is properly turned into the Property Control Unit.


4.2.6           The investigating supervisor will contact an OPS supervisor and advise him or her of the circumstances regarding the incident.  If the incident occurred outside of normal business hours, the investigating supervisor will ask Communications to contact the OPS supervisor on call.


4.2.7           Prior to the end of his or her tour of duty, the investigating supervisor will complete Form APD 809 “Supervisor’s Use of Force Incident Supplement Form” (Use of Force Report) for each officer who discharges a Department approved firearm and a detailed memorandum describing the incident and the incident scene.  The original Use of Force Report will be forwarded to Central Records in accordance with APD.SOP.3010 “Use of Force.” 


4.2.8           During normal business hours, the investigating supervisor will contact OPS and request an investigative file number for the incident.


4.3              Command Investigation File


4.3.1           The investigating supervisor will, within 10 days, complete an OPS command investigation file of the incident that will include: available photographs of the incident scene, available statements from officers at the scene, the supervisor’s memorandum, the incident report, the Use of Force Report, the investigation disposition form, and any other documents or items that may be pertinent to the investigation.


4.3.2           The completed OPS command investigation file will be submitted through the employee’s chain of command to OPS for review and recommendation.


4.3.3           All completed OPS command files will be maintained and stored at OPS.


4.3.4           OPS will assist any supervisor requesting support in the completion of an investigation file. 


4.3.5           The OPS commander reserves the right to investigate any employee involved in the incident.


4.4              Firearm Discharge by an Off-Duty Officer


4.4.1           If a discharge of a Department approved firearm towards an animal occurs while the officer is off duty or outside of APD’s jurisdiction, the officer will immediately notify his or her supervisor.  If there is not an on-duty supervisor working at the officer’s work site, the officer will contact Communications and request the OPS on-call supervisor.


4.4.2           The officer will also immediately contact the law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction where the discharge occurred, and advise them of the incident.


4.4.3           If a unit supervisor is notified of a discharge involving a Department approved firearm towards an animal by an officer who is off-duty or outside of APD jurisdiction, the supervisor will immediately contact an OPS supervisor.  If the incident occurred outside of normal business hours, ask Communications to contact the OPS on-call supervisor.


4.4.4           The Office of Professional Standards will conduct the investigation.


4.5              Firearm Discharge by an Officer on an Extra Job


4.5.1           If an officer discharges a Department approved firearm towards an animal while working an extra job, the officer will secure the incident scene and immediately notify an on-duty supervisor in the zone in which the discharge occurred.  The officer will request an Identification unit to the scene.


4.5.2           Any investigating supervisor who receives notification from an officer working an extra job that a Department approved firearm discharge has occurred will immediately respond to the scene.  The supervisor will request an Animal Control unit to the scene, if necessary.


4.5.3           At the scene, the investigating supervisor will ensure the incident scene is secure, and contact an OPS supervisor.  If the incident occurred outside of normal business hours, ask Communications to contact the OPS on-call supervisor.


4.5.4           The Office of Professional Standards will conduct the investigation.


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1              Department approved firearm: Any firearm issued to an APD employee purchased by the department, or any firearm that was inspected and approved by the Atlanta Police Academy and the employee has prior written approval to carry on or off duty.


6.               CANCELLATIONS


                  APD.SOP.3041 “Investigating Police Discharges Towards Animals” effective on October 1, 2005


7.               REFERENCES


                  APD.SOP.2010 “Work Rules”

                  APD.SOP.2020 “Disciplinary Process”

                  APD.SOP.3010 “Use of Force”

                  APD.SOP.3040 “Weapons”

                  APD.SOP.3089 “Supervisor Notification”


                  Form APD 809 “Supervisor’s Use of Force Incident Supplement Form”