July 1, 2004 To establish the procedures for the laptop computers in patrol vehicles including capabilities, access, and security issues and the restrictions on the use of the vehicles equipped with mounted laptop mobile data terminals.

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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual










Standard Operating



Effective Date

April 26, 2010



 In-Vehicle Computers

Applicable To:  All Sworn employees in FOD; division and section commanders

Approval Authority:  Interim Chief George N. Turner

Signature:  Signed by GNT

Date Signed:  5/3/10


Table of Content

1.          PURPOSE  PAGEREF _Toc254359130 \h 1

2.          POLICY   PAGEREF _Toc254359131 \h 1

3.          RESPONSIBILITIES  PAGEREF _Toc254359132 \h 1

4.          ACTION  PAGEREF _Toc254359133 \h 2

4.1           Dispatching and Communications  PAGEREF _Toc254359134 \h 2

4.2           Supervisors' Responsibilities/Start of the Watch  PAGEREF _Toc254359135 \h 2

4.3           Officers' Responsibilities/Start of the Watch  PAGEREF _Toc254359136 \h 2

4.4           Incident and Accident Report Writing Process  PAGEREF _Toc254359137 \h 3

4.4.1        Writing Reports  PAGEREF _Toc254359138 \h 3

4.5           Approval Process  PAGEREF _Toc254359139 \h 3


4.5.1        Priority Incident Reports  PAGEREF _Toc254359140 \h 3

4.5.2        Non-Priority Incident Reports  PAGEREF _Toc254359141 \h 4

4.6           Security of the Laptops  PAGEREF _Toc254359142 \h 4

4.7           Laptop Computer Mobile Data function  PAGEREF _Toc254359143 \h 4

4.7.2        Major Features of the Mobile Data Function  PAGEREF _Toc254359144 \h 5

4.8           Restricted Use of Laptop/Vehicles  PAGEREF _Toc254359145 \h 5

4.9           Training  PAGEREF _Toc254359146 \h 6

5.          DEFINITIONS  PAGEREF _Toc254359147 \h 6

6.          CANCELLATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc254359149 \h 6

7.          REFERENCES  PAGEREF _Toc254359150 \h 6


1.               PURPOSE


To establish the procedures for the laptop computers in patrol vehicles including capabilities, access, and security issues and the restrictions on the use of the vehicles equipped with mounted laptop mobile data terminals. (CALEA 5th ed. standard 41.3.7)

2.               POLICY


This directive establishes the policy and procedure for the use of the laptop computers mounted in patrol vehicles.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              Field Operations Division (FOD) section commanders will implement this directive in their commands.  They will ensure strict accountability of laptops assigned to their sections and provide secure storage for laptop computers that are not in use.


3.2              The Support Services Division (SSD) commander will coordinate through Computer Services for the timely updating of the software, and other data on the laptops, as necessary. The Incident Crime Information System (ICIS) Administrative Group in the Central Records Unit will manage both, the drop down and pick list.


3.3              FOD supervisors will monitor and ensure the correct use of the laptops.


3.4              The Electronic Maintenance Unit (EMU) will maintain and control the laptop computer hardware, in patrol vehicles.


3.5              The Northrop Grumman Corporation ((NGC) (404) 546-2392) will maintain the laptop computer software in patrol vehicles.

3.6              Employees will use and safeguard the laptop computers properly and in accordance with Departmental training.  They will adhere to GCIC and Atlanta Police Department regulations and will ensure that the information obtained from laptops is used for official business only.


4.               ACTION


4.1              Dispatching and Communications


4.1.1           The Department will not use "silent dispatching."  The officer will receive a voice message from a dispatcher and will respond by voice.  The laptop's MDT function will provide additional (non-voice) information. 


4.1.2           If the officer gets a "hit" from GCIC, verify it as required by APD.SOP.3110 “GCIC and NCIC Information”.


4.2              Supervisors' Responsibilities at the Start of the Watch


4.2.1           After roll call the watch commander or his/her designee will transmit via facsimile to Communications the daily roster and assignment sheet.


4.2.2           Each supervisor will verify that all officers on duty have notified radio that they are in-service and that they are entered into the CAD system prior to starting their tour of duty.


4.3              Officers' Responsibilities at the Start of the Watch


4.3.1           The officer will inspect the laptop, mount, and lamp at the beginning of the watch.  Document this inspection on the back of the daily activity sheet along with the vehicle inspection.


4.3.2           If the laptop/equipment is damaged, missing or inoperable, the officer will notify a supervisor immediately and complete a report.


1.    If it is damaged or inoperable, at the first opportunity, the officer must transport the laptop to the EMU ((404) 658- 6868) at 818 Pollard Boulevard, Atlanta, Georgia, 30315; Monday through Friday, between 0800-1600 hours.


2.    If a spare laptop is available at the EMU, the officer will sign it out. 


4.3.3           After officers are cleared from roll call they will immediately begin their tour of duty by advising Communications via radio that they are in-service (Code 7). 


1.    They will provide Communication with their unique ID and vehicle assignment.


2.    After advising Communications, the officer will sign on to the CAD system via the mounted laptop, with his or her assignment, unique I.D., and password. If a second officer is assigned to the car, enter his or her I.D. but not his or her password.


4.4              Incident and Accident Report Writing Process


4.4.1           Writing Reports

                  (CALEA 5th ed. standards 82.2.1d,e)


1.    Officers will use the laptop computers, whenever they are available, to write incident and accident reports.  Follow the procedures taught in training and contained in the PSSI manual.  When a laptop is not available, the officer will use the designated precinct desktop computer. If both the laptop and desktop computers are inoperable, with a supervisor’s approval, use the paper forms as outlined in APD.SOP.3060 “Report Writing”.


2.    If the officer is unable to complete a report immediately, he or she can save it by selecting the TRANSMIT DRAFT function on the Incident Crime Information System (ICIS) and complete it later.  Generally, officers should complete reports before pulling back in service.   All reports must be completed and transmitted as soon as possible.  All reports must be completed and submitted before the end of the officer's tour of duty.


3.    When the officer has completed the report, he or she will authenticate it in the prescribed manner (keyboard signature) and transmit the master report to the Supervisors Mailbox for review.  At this point, it is stored on the Department's Tier 2 Server, with a copy on the laptop.  No one can alter the report except the submitting officer.


4.    When the watch is called, if the officer has any reports to complete, he or she will complete them at the precinct.  If complications arise when transmitting reports, use the Disk Pump Utility (when available) to download reports to a USB flash drive.  Take the USB flash drive to the precinct and complete the reports.  


5.    When the officer vacates the patrol car at the end of the tour of duty, he or she may copy his or her reports to a USB flash drive and take the USB flash drive for backup purposes.  This is not required.                


6.    Supervisors and officers will check his or her ICIS In-Box regularly, during the watch.


7.    When multiple officers are writing reports for the same incident or accident, only the reporting officer will write the original report.  All other officers will write supplements as outlined in APD.SOP.3060 “Report Writing” (supplement reports are accepted by the ICIS software as a separate report with the same incident number).


4.5              Approval Process


4.5.1           Priority Incident Reports


1.    For purposes of forwarding an incident report from the laptops to Central Records, a priority report is a report involving a stolen vehicle or a missing person.


2.    Officers will notify his or her supervisor of the priority report via radio or unit-to-unit messaging, upon signing off on the report.


a.    Supervisors will immediately review, authenticate, and sign off on priority reports.


b.    The reporting officer will immediately notify the GCIC Unit ((404) 546- 4364) via telephone and inform them that a priority report has been completed.


4.5.2           Non-Priority Incident Reports


1.    Supervisors will review incident and accident reports via a PC at the precinct.   Supervisors should review reports at least every two hours during their watch.  They should approve all reports before the end of their tour of duty.


2.    If reports are correct and complete, the supervisors will authenticate (keyboard signature) them on the Sign Off Screen.


3.    Supervisors will electronically return rejected reports to the officer and document the additional information needed for the completion of the report in the Notes field of the Sign Off screen.  He or she will also notify the officer by radio.


4.    The Central Records Unit will receive, review and classify reports after the officer’s supervisor has approved them.


a.    If the report is rejected, Central Records will use the Notes field in the Sign Off screen to indicate what problems must be fixed and electronically return the report to the Supervisors Mailbox.


b.    The supervisor on duty (regardless of the original sign-off supervisor) will forward the master report to the originating officer for correction.  The supervisor who is on duty when the officer submits the corrected report is responsible for the approval of the report.


c.    Central Records authentication on the Sign Off screen is the final approval.  Once the report receives final approval, the report is locked and is no longer editable.


4.5.3           End of watch responsibilities


1.    At the end of each watch, the officer must manually purge all reports from the laptop's hard drive.


4.6              Security of the Laptops


4.6.1           Only zone supervisors, SOS supervisors, designated EMU personnel, and their designee(s) will have a master key to the laptop mounts.


4.6.2           Section commanders or a designee will issue master keys to the supervisors in the section and will collect them when supervisors are transferred out.  Additional keys will be kept securely by the section commander.


4.6.3           When it is necessary, the supervisor or EMU is responsible for the removal of the laptop from the mount.


4.6.4           Laptops will be removed and secured at the work site when vehicles are taken to the maintenance shop.


4.6. 5          When/If the laptop is stationed within the vehicle, it will be locked and secured.


4.7              Laptop Computer Mobile Data function


4.7.1           The Mobile Data -Computer System is a high-speed two-way data communications network between a land-based computer system and a keyboard/display unit in a mobile patrol vehicle.  Officers will use the system ONLY FOR OFFICIAL DEPARTMENT BUSINESS.


4.7.2           Major Features of the Mobile Data Function


1.    An officer in the field can inquire directly into automated files or computer systems at the local and state levels, and even up to the computerized National Crime Information Center (NCIC).


2.    An officer can receive the following information without going through a dispatcher:


a.    Tag check


b.    Vehicle identification number check


c.    Driver's license check


d.    Wanted/missing person check


e.    Weapons check


f.     Zone/unit activity status


g.    Premise history checks


4.8              Restricted Use of Laptop/Vehicles


4.8.1           Other than the DIT and/or the NGC, employees will not install, delete or modify any software and will not alter computer configurations in anyway.


4.8.2           The officer must sign off from the laptop at the end of the tour of duty.  This is critical to protect the officer's computer I.D. password.  Prior to signing off, the officer will review and clear all queries, checks and messages that have been generated or stored during the watch.


4.8.3           To clean the laptop screen and keyboard, use only the cleaner designated by Computer Services.   Keep all liquids away from the laptop.  If spills occur, immediately power down the laptop and clean all surfaces.  The laptop should be taken to the EMU for thorough cleaning. 


4.8.4           Do not use sharp or hard objects on the laptop touch screen. Only use fingertips or the Department -issued stylus.

4.8.5           Officers are prohibited from using patrol vehicles to give other vehicles (including patrol vehicles) a "jump start," as this may damage the radio or laptop.  If a patrol vehicle requires a "jump," a supervisor must remove the laptop from the mount prior to "jump starting" it.


4.8.6           Unit-to-unit transmissions are for official business only.  Officers will not transmit any improper messages over the laptop computer.


4.8.7           Officers are prohibited from removing the air card from the lap top computers. Only designated EMU personnel will remove the air card from the laptop computers.


4.8.8           Officers will not physically alter or attempt to repair the in-vehicle laptop computers, including, but not limited to the mounts/ docking stations.  All inoperable laptop computers and/or associated equipment will be taken to the EMU at 818 Pollard Boulevard, Atlanta, Georgia, 30315; Monday through Friday, between 0800-1600 hours for repairs.


4.9              Training


4.9.1           The system is designed to operate on a simple, highly automated basis.  However, no officer will operate a laptop without a prior training session. 


4.9.2           The PSSI users' manual will be available as a supplement to the training at the Atlanta Police Academy.


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1              Authentication: A keyboard "signature" confirmed by the user's I.D and password.


5.2              CICA number: Complaint, incident, case and arrest number.


5.3              Laptop: A full featured portable computer.


5.4              Mount: The support mechanism/docking station which is utilized for securing and supplying external power and data connections to a laptop computer in a motor vehicle. 


5.5              Priority report is a report involving a stolen vehicle or a missing person. 


5.6              Sign Off Screen: The screen for supervisory and Central Records approval of incident and accident reports.


5.7              Silent Dispatching: Sending an officer on a call for service by sending a text or data message without audible transmission.


5.8              Stylus: A pointed instrument used as an input device on a pressure-sensitive screen.


5.9              Touchpad: A pointing device that performs mouse functions, usually found on laptop computers.


5. 10           PSSI (Public Safety Systems Incorporated): The vendor that produced the ICIS software used on the laptop and desktop computers, for dispatch, incident reports and accident reports.


5.11            USB flash drive: A USB flash drive consists of a flash memory data storage device integrated with a Universal Serial Bus (USB). USB flash drives are typically removable and re-writable.


6.               CANCELLATIONS


                  APD.SOP. 3062 “In-Vehicle Computers”, issued July 1, 2004.


7.               REFERENCES


                  PSSI Laptop Users Manual


                  CALEA 5th Edition Standards 41.3.7; 82.2.1e