July 1, 2004 This directive provides for effective interaction between the Atlanta Police Department and the Atlanta Public Schools System in relation to truancy from school. The goal is to reduce juvenile participation in criminal acts and to reduce the possibility that juveniles may become victims of crimes.

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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual










Standard Operating



Effective Date

November 1, 2006



Truant Children

Applicable To:  Sworn employees

Approval Authority:  Chief Richard J. Pennington

Signature:  Signed by RJP

Date Signed:  11/14/06


1.               PURPOSE


This directive provides for effective interaction between the Atlanta Police Department and the Atlanta Public Schools System in relation to truancy from school. The goal is to reduce juvenile participation in criminal acts and to reduce the possibility that juveniles may become victims of crimes.


2.               POLICY


The Atlanta Police Department will provide effective interaction between the Department and the Atlanta Public Schools System in relation to truancy from school.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              Each zone commander will implement this directive.


3.2              All police officers will actively address the problem of truant children, to reduce juvenile crime and protect school-age children.


3.3              Each Truancy Officer will work between the hours of 0730 and 1600 hours, Monday through Friday. The Truancy Officer will patrol the entire zone.


3.4              Supervisors will monitor their subordinates to ensure that truants are picked up.


4.               ACTION


4.1              Officers contacting children during school hours will detain suspected truants only long enough to assess the situation.


4.2              All juveniles encountered out of school during school hours, without a legal excuse to be absent from school, will be picked up and escorted to the truancy center. Students that are serving as pages in the General Assembly; have written permission from school officials to be out of school, or are excused from school due to illness or religious holidays will not be considered truant.


4.3              If a child is determined to be truant, officers will:


1.    Frisk the child for weapons.


2.    Determine if child is either missing, or a runaway on ACIC.


3.    Document the pick-up on the Daily Activity Sheet.


4.    Transport the child to the Atlanta Public Schools Truancy Center. An officer has the option                                                                                                            

       of transporting the truant child to his or her assigned school if it is after 0900 hours and if     the child attends a school within the officer’s assigned zone.


5.    Keep the child’s property (book-bag, backpack, etc.) in the officer’s possession during the  transport.


6.    Confirm, along with the school official (administrator/truancy staff), that no weapons or    contraband exist within the child’s property, before releasing them back to the child.


 7.   Complete a truancy intake report for every student.


4.4              The Truancy Officer will turn in a weekly report of all activities to his or her immediate supervisor at the close of business on Friday of each week.


4.5              According to the understanding established with Atlanta Public Schools, school officials will determine the status of each student delivered by Atlanta Police. The school officials will then contact parents and schools and make arrangements for the child. School officials have also agreed to provide the Field Operations Division (FOD) commander with a monthly report of activity and data collected on those children who have been brought in by police.


4.6              Other proactive responsibilities of Truancy Officers are to:


1.    Make regular visits to all schools in the zones.


2.    Meet with principals, teachers, school detectives, social workers, and/or counselors to discuss problems or concerns on a weekly basis.


3.    Spend at least one hour a week working with juveniles and counselors at the Truancy Center.


4.    Participate in truancy sweeps.


5.    Involve MARTA Police in truancy situations that may occur around MARTA stations.


4.7              Each zone commander will designate a minimum of one officer to work strictly truancy. When the Truancy Officer is off (vacation, sick, etc.), another officer will be identified to work the truancy detail. Each zone will be assigned at least one van to be utilized strictly for the Truancy Program.


4.8              On a weekly basis, each section commander in FOD will report to the FOD commander the number of suspected truants taken to school officials.


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1              Truant child:  Any child subject to the Compulsory School Attendance Law, found away from home and absent from school without lawful authority or a valid written excuse from school officials. Children between the ages of 6 and 16 are subject to the Compulsory School Attendance Law.


6.               CANCELLATIONS


                  APD.SOP.3191 “Truant Children”, effective July 1, 2004  


7.               REFERENCES


                  Georgia Code sections 20-2-690, 20-2-693, 20-2-698 to 20-2-700.

                  Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), 5th Standard 44.2.4