April 1, 2005 To establish policies and procedures for an electronic data transfer system to allow pawnshops and precious metals dealers to file daily police reports. The electronic data transfer system will improve the speed and efficiency level of the daily reporting procedures.

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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual










Standard Operating



Effective Date

October 1, 2009



 Pawn Desk

Applicable To:  Criminal Investigations Division employees

Approval Authority:  Chief Richard J. Pennington

Signature:  Signed by RJP

Date Signed:  9/22/09


Table of Content

1.     PURPOSEPAGEREF _Toc241648427 \h 1

2.          POLICY.. PAGEREF _Toc241648428 \h 1

3.          RESPONSIBILITIES. PAGEREF _Toc241648429 \h 1

4.          ACTION. PAGEREF _Toc241648430 \h 2

4.1        APD Pawn Desk. PAGEREF _Toc241648431 \h 2

4.2        License and Permits Unit PAGEREF _Toc241648432 \h 2

4.3        Uploading Data from APD Pawn Tracking Software. PAGEREF _Toc241648433 \h 2




1.               PURPOSE


To establish guidelines for an electronic data transfer of pawn shops’ and precious metal dealer’s daily transaction reports to the Atlanta Police Department’s Pawn Desk Unit and to the statewide pawn tracking system.


2.               POLICY


The Atlanta Police Department will use available technology to improve the speed and efficiency of the daily reporting procedures and allow more effective transfers of these records to the statewide system.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              The Chief of Police, as authorized by City Code 122-62, will prescribe the format for pawn shops and precious metal dealers to file daily reports.


3.2              The commanders of the Criminal Investigations Division (CID) and Major Crimes Section will monitor the implementation of this directive.


3.3              The commander of the Commercial Robbery Unit will ensure that the unit's employees and pawnshops and precious metals dealers adhere to this procedure.


3.4              The commander of the License and Permits Unit will ensure that the unit’s employees and pawnshops and precious metals dealers adhere to this procedure.


3.5              The Pawn Desk employees will manage the electronic data transfer system and assist the pawn shops and precious metals dealers in its use.


4.               ACTION


4.1              APD Pawn Desk


4.1.1           The APD Pawn Desk employees will insure that pawn shop operators and precious metal dealers within the City of Atlanta have obtained proper permits to operate such businesses in compliance with all state laws and city ordinances governing the operation of pawn shops and precious metals dealers.


4.1.2           The APD Pawn Desk employees will advise pawn shop operators and precious metal dealers within the City of Atlanta of the current method of electronically transferring their business’ daily pawn transaction reports upon request.


4.1.3           The Pawn Desk will insure that all pawn shop and precious metals dealer's daily reports are complete as required by city ordinances and this directive and are electronically transmitted into the departmental pawn data tracking system.


4.1.4           Pawn 2000 data-tracking software has been approved as the Department's official pawn data tracking software.  Pawn Desk employees will be thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the operation of this computer program.


4.1.5           The Pawn Desk will be responsible for assuring that pawn shop owners and precious metals dealers have obtained pawn data reporting software that complies with the Georgia Criminal Information Center (GCIC) requirements, Georgia Code and City Ordinance.  Programs from the following companies have been approved for use:


1.    Best Business Systems Software


2.    Computersmith, Inc.


3.    Frazier Software


4.    Pawn Power


4.1.6           Pawn Desk employees will import pawn shop and precious metal dealer's daily reports into the pawn tracking system on a daily basis.


4.2              License and Permits Unit


4.2.1           The APD License and Permits Unit will provide to all prospective pawn shop owners or precious metals dealers a copy of the package of laws, ordinances, and reporting requirements.


4.2.2           The APD License and Permits Unit will be responsible for notifying prospective pawn shop owners and precious metals dealers of the current methods of transmitting daily reports to the department as mandated by the Chief of Police.


4.2.3           Notification of currently approved methods for transmitting daily reports will be in writing and will be made upon request for information or at the time of submission of an application for permit to operate a pawn shop or precious metal business.


4.3              Uploading Data from APD Pawn Tracking Software


4.3.1           Pawn Desk employees will review the data uploaded from the pawnshop and precious metals dealer's reports for errors and compliance to reporting requirements.  When errors are found, the appropriate business will be contacted, advised of the error, and requested to provide the necessary information to correct the error.  When instances of noncompliance to reporting requirements are found, appropriate enforcement action will be taken.          


4.3.2           Pawn Desk employees will send pawn data that it receives from local pawn shops and precious metal dealers to the Statewide Pawn System for the purposes of processing, storage, and making it available statewide for law enforcement purposes.  The frequency with which data will be uploaded will be determined by agreements between APD and the Georgia Criminal Information Center (GCIC).


4.3.3           When pawn data is entered into the Statewide Pawn System, several searches are automatically made through the pawn system and through the Georgia Criminal Information Center (GCIC):


1.    Name check against wanted files.


2.    Criminal history check on names of individuals pawning firearms.


3.    Property checks on identifiable items to determine if they have been reported stolen.


4.    Formatting errors.


4.3.4           A report is automatically generated and transmitted back to the sending agency noting "Hits" on wanted persons, persons who have pawned firearms and have criminal histories, hits on stolen property, and formatting errors.  Pawn Desk employees will review this report and take the following actions:


1.    Wanted person information that appears to have a reasonable likelihood of producing an arrest will be verified by checking the name and other identifying information on the pawn ticket record against the name and other identifying information on any warrant which may have been issued to assure there is a match; if possible, a criminal history check will be initiated for further verification.


2.    The Pawn Desk investigator will confirm the validity of the warrant.  All information produced by this process will be assembled into an investigative package and forwarded to the appropriate APD investigative unit or outside agency for follow-up investigation.


3.    Criminal history information on names of persons who have pawned firearms will be checked to verify that there is reasonable likelihood that the person named on the pawn ticket is the person in the criminal history file.  The pawn ticket will be checked to verify that a firearm, as defined by current Georgia law was pawned.


4.4              Felons Pawning Firearms


4.4.1           When verification of the criminal history is made, an investigative package will be prepared and forwarded to the APD Gun Unit for follow-up investigation.  The investigative packages will be labeled as one of three categories:


1.    Felony conviction verified in the criminal history.


2.    Felony arrest verified in the criminal history but no case disposition; or


3.    Non-verification on criminal history.


4.4.2           When there is a reasonable likelihood to believe that the person named on the pawn ticket is the same as the person named in the criminal history and there is a felony conviction in the criminal history, Pawn Desk employees will immediately notify the pawn shop and place a hold on the weapon.  If the follow-up investigation results in criminal prosecution, the case investigator will notify the Pawn Desk that the weapon will be needed as evidence in the prosecution.


4.4.3           Pawn Desk employees will prepare a release for the investigator to retrieve the weapon from the pawn shop.  The investigator will retrieve the weapon as soon as possible and turn it in to the Property Control Unit to be held as evidence.


4.4.4           If the follow-up investigation does not produce sufficient cause to carry forward a prosecution or other cause to hold the weapon, the case investigator will notify the Pawn Desk as soon as possible after the investigation is completed that the weapon will not be used as evidence and the hold may be released.  Pawn Desk personnel will notify the pawn shop and release the hold.


4.5              Stolen Property


4.5.1           When a stolen "Hit" is received on pawned property, a Pawn Desk employee will immediately contact the appropriate APD investigative unit or outside agency to verify that the property is still stolen and that they will pursue the investigation.


4.5.2           Once the investigative unit or agency is contacted and it is verified that they will pursue the investigation, a Pawn Desk employee will immediately contact the appropriate pawn shop or precious metals dealer to determine if the business still has the property in its possession. 


4.5.3           If the property is still in possession of the business, a hold will be placed on it, and an investigative package will be prepared and forwarded to the appropriate APD investigative unit or outside agency for follow-up investigation.


4.5.4           The Pawn Desk unit will notify the appropriate APD investigate unit or outside agency in those instances in which pawned property is no longer in possession of the pawn shop or precious metal dealer due to being redeemed, sold, or melted metals and provide the necessary documents to show proof that the item was pawned.


4.6              When formatting errors are noted in the state reports, Pawn Desk employees will make necessary corrections and resubmit the entry.


4.7              Pawn Desk "Holds" and Other Requirements


4.7.1           Stolen property that has been placed on hold by the Pawn Desk may only be released to a sworn law enforcement officer.  Upon proper request of a sworn law enforcement officer, the Pawn Desk employee will prepare a release form authorizing the pawn shop or precious metals dealer to release the property to the officer.  It will be the responsibility of the officer to retrieve the property and assure that it is returned to the rightful owner.


4.7.2           Pawn Desk employees will provide assistance to other APD units and outside agencies who wish to search the pawn data files for stolen property, information concerning persons who have made pawn transactions, or any other information that may be contained in the system. 


4.7.3           The Pawn Desk will make a package of all current state law and city ordinances specifically pertaining to the operation of pawn shops and precious metals dealers and the current requirements for submission of pawn shops daily reports as mandated by the Chief of Police.


4.8              Requests for Data Searches of the Pawn Data Tracking System              


4.8.1           All requests for data searches of the pawn data tracking system must be made by sworn APD employees or other certified law enforcement officers.


4.8.2           Employees of APD will not advise citizens to contact the Pawn Desk to request searches of the pawn data files for any reason.


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1              Pawn:  Something given as security for a loan, or pledge or guaranty.


5.3              Pawn Desk:  The Atlanta Police Department's liaison between the City of Atlanta and the State of Georgia for pawned and purchased item transactions by pawn shops and precious metals dealers within the City of Atlanta.


5.4              Statewide Pawn System:  A database operated by Georgia Criminal    Information Center (GCIC) for law enforcement agencies for voluntary contribution of pawn shops and precious metals transactions.  


6.               CANCELLATIONS


                  APD.SOP.5100 “Pawn Desk”, issued April 1, 2005


7.               REFERENCES


                  City of Atlanta Code of Ordinances Chapter 122


                  Official Code of Georgia Annotated Title 44, Chapter 12, Article 3, Part 5


                  City of Atlanta Electronic Mail Retention Policy