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Atlanta Police Department

Communications Section











Command Memorandum



Effective Date

April 25, 2008



Distractions from Duty

Applicable To: All Communications employees

Approval Authority:  Director M. R. Butler

Signature:  Signed by MRB

Date Signed:  4/25/08



1.               PURPOSE


The intent of this directive is to establish protocol for employee actions while in the Communications Center.


2.               POLICY


Communications Center employees will adhere to this policy while in the Communications Center or while on break from the Communications Center.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              The assistant section commander is responsible for monitoring supervisors and employees to ensure that employees are in compliance with this policy.


3.2              The Communications supervisors will monitor subordinates to ensure conformity.  Supervisors will take note of anyone violating this policy by using a cell phone, personal music player, personal computer, eating or sleeping while in the Communications Center.  When monitoring breaks and lunch periods, supervisors have the latitude to modify break times not to exceed 45 minutes.


4.               ACTION


4.1              The Communications supervisor will, upon witnessing policy violation, advise the employee that any personal electronic device must be turned off and placed in a locker outside of the Center.  Cell phones will not be out in the Center.


4.2              The Communications supervisor, will upon witnessing eating or sleeping in the Communications Center ask the employee to leave the Center to finish their food or to recover themselves and return to their station.


4.3              Personal Electronic Items


4.3.1           All personal electronic items will be stored outside the Communications Center either in a locker or in the employee’s personal car.  Personal electronic items include but are not limited to IPods, MP3 players, cassette or CD players, personal computers and electronic games.


4.4              Cell Phones


4.4.1           Cell phones are not allowed to be out in the Center at any time.  Cell phones are to be placed on Vibrate or Quiet and left in a purse, bag or pocket.  Earpieces will not be worn or utilized at any time while on duty in the Communications Center.


4.5              Breaks and Lunch Periods


4.5.1           All breaks and lunch periods will be taken outside of the Communications Center in the designated Break Room or away from the Center; this is to include all employees and supervisors.


4.5.2           When an employee’s break time arrives, the employee will unplug from their console (with appropriate and scheduled relief) and leave the Communications Center.  All employees will adhere to their time limits and return in a timely manner so that another employee may attend their break. 


4.6              Sleeping


4.6.1           Sleeping while on duty in the Communications Center will not be tolerated at any time.  If an employee feels that they are about to be overcome by sleep then that employee will notify his or her supervisor that they need to be relieved to refresh themselves, promptly returning to their console thereafter.


5.               DEFINITIONS




6.               CANCELLATIONS




7.               REFERENCES

