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Atlanta Police Department

Communications Section










Section Command



Effective Date

December 12, 2008




Extra Jobs Policy

Applicable To: Communications employees

Approval Authority:  Director M. R. Butler

Signature:  Signed by MRB

Date Signed:  12/12/08




1.               PURPOSE


To add additional requirements to APD.SOP.2060 Extra Jobs.


2.               POLICY


In addition to APD.SOP.2060 Extra Jobs employees of the Communications Center will adhere to this policy when reporting on Type I and Type IV extra jobs. 


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              The Assistant Communications director is responsible for monitoring supervisors and employees, insuring that all applicable paperwork and documentation are turned in on schedule.


3.2              Supervisors will monitor subordinates to ensure conformity to this procedure.  Supervisors will maintain a current listing of those employees on sick leave abuse, extended sick leave or family medical leave, on a monthly basis.  Supervisors will insure that all extra job requests remain up to date and are resubmitted each year on the employee’s birthday.  Supervisors will also insure that the Extra Job Activity Report will be turned in at the end of each pay period.


3.3               All employees are responsible for filing appropriate paperwork, obtaining permits, avoiding any conflict of interest or appearance thereof, and ensuring that outside employment does not interfere with their responsibility to the Department.


4.               ACTION


4.1              Application, Approval and Revocation


4.1.1           In addition to APD.SOP.2060 Extra Jobs, all employees working an extra job must maintain an extra job activity sheet for all extra jobs of all types that are worked.  Form APD 728 Employee Extra Job Report will be completed and submitted to their supervisors on the last day of each pay period or the first day the employee returns to work after the last day of the pay period.


4.1.2           Employees who violate this Command Memorandum or APD.SOP.2060 Extra Jobs may have their privilege to work extra jobs suspended for a period of 30 days and be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.


5.               DEFINITIONS




6.               CANCELLATIONS




7.               REFERENCES


                  APD.SOP.2060 Extra Jobs

                  City of Atlanta Code of Ordinances, Section 114-436 to 114-437