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Atlanta Police Department

Communications Section











Command Memorandum



Effective Date

August 16, 2004



Tactical Dispatch Plan

Applicable To: All Communications Personnel

Approval Authority:  Director M. R. butler

Signature:  Signed by MRB

Date Signed:  2/13/09



1.               PURPOSE


Establish a Tactical Dispatch Plan in response to unusual occurrences such as civil disorder, severe weather, major structural collapse, major fires, hazardous material spills, aircraft accidents, terrorism activity, and natural or man-made disasters.


2.               POLICY


The Atlanta Police Department Communications Section will provide Tactical Dispatching during unusual occurrences.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              The Chief of Police, or his or her designee, is responsible for the command and control of all civil law enforcement resources assigned to an unusual occurrence in the City of Atlanta.


3.2              The Support Services Division commander is responsible for the coordination of the Communications Section and the Information Services Section.


3.3              The Communications Center Director is responsible for the command of the Communications Section.


3.4              The Communications supervisors will monitor the incoming 911 calls and the activity of the police zones for any unusual occurrences, major, critical, or newsworthy events and make timely notifications to the Atlanta Police Department Command Staff of all unusual occurrences.  The Communications supervisors will initiate the Tactical Dispatch Plan on unusual occurrences and major, critical, or newsworthy events.


3.5              The Communications dispatchers and the 911 Call Takers will notify Communications supervisors of all unusual occurrences, major, critical, or newsworthy calls which come to their attention and may require Tactical Dispatching. (CALEA 5th ed. standard 81.2.5 g)


4.               ACTION

                  (CALEA 5th ed. standard 81.2.5 g)


4.1              The Communications Supervisor will gather all information available on any unusual occurrence, major, critical, or newsworthy event.


4.2              The Communications Supervisor will determine when to initiate the Tactical Dispatching Plan.


4.3              The Communications Supervisor will assign a Communications Dispatcher to the tactical console and advise the field supervisor and units on the scene that they are to switch their radios over to the Tactical Radio Channel.


4.4              The Tactical Dispatcher will assign the major incident a CAD number and maintain an incident log in the remarks of the CAD record.  The Tactical Dispatcher will check and verify suspect information, log threats, demands, and hostage information.


4.5              The Tactical Dispatcher will provide location information and keep the Tactical Field Commander informed of developments with the crime scene, tactical, and support operations.


4.6              The Communications Supervisor will request services specified by the Chief of Police, or his or her designee.


4.7              Radio Numbers


4.7.1           Numbers for employees assigned to the occurrence will be as follows:


1.    React 1- 99 – Majors and above


2.    React 100 -199 - Lieutenants


3.    React 200 – 299 – Sergeants


4.    React 300 – as needed – police officers and investigators


4.7.2           Outside agency personnel operating on APD frequencies will utilize the same numbering sequence as APD personnel and will prefix their number with their appropriate agency designation.  An example would be a Fulton County police officer would be “Fulton County 450”.


4.8              The Communications Supervisor will review the incident log at the conclusion of the tactical incident to ensure all necessary information is contained in the incident log.


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1              Major, critical, or newsworthy events:  include, but are not limited to the following:


1.    Natural disasters


2.    Major fires or any fire involving the loss of life


3.    Bomb threats and hostage situations whenever S.W.A.T. is called to the scene


4.    Hazardous material spills


5.    Gathering of a large number of persons which could create a serious confrontation


6.    Severe weather where major damage or injury occurs


7.    Any incident involving the serious injury or death of a Department employee, on or off duty


8.    Hijackers, hostage situations, barricaded persons, sniper incidents


9.    Homicides


10.  Major criminal activity


11.  Prisoner death or the death of any person in custody


12.  Prisoner escapes


6.               CANCELLATIONS


                  APD.CM.04.06  Tactical Dispatch Plan


7.               REFERENCES


                  APD.SOP.3180 “Unusual Occurrences”


                  CALEA 5th Edition Standard 81.2.5 g