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Atlanta Police Department

Field Operations Division










Division Command



Effective Date

August 10, 2010



Vehicle Identification Number Verification

Applicable To: All FOD sworn employees

Approval Authority:  Deputy Chief  E. N. Finley

Signature:  Signed by ENF

Date Signed:  8/31/2010




1.               PURPOSE


To establish a procedure for assigning Field Operations Division employees to watches, beat assignments, discretionary units, or days off.


2.               POLICY


It is the policy of the Field Operations Division to assign officers to watches, beat assignments, discretionary units or days off using predetermined job specific selection criteria consistent with APD.SOP.2102 “Patrol Assignments.”


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              Zone commanders will assign officers to watches in accordance with this directive.


3.2              When extenuating circumstances exist, the zone commander may supersede this directive and change an employee’s watch assignment at his/her discretion.


3.3              Watch commanders and discretionary unit supervisors are required to comply with this directive when assigning officers to a regular beat assignments, discretionary units, or off-days.


4.               ACTION


4.1              Zone commanders will post vacant watch positions and vacant positions in specialized units on the bulletin board in the roll call room for ten consecutive days.  The posting will specify the date it was posted and its closing date.


4.2              Watch commanders and discretionary unit supervisors are required to post openings for beats, specialized units, and off-days on the bulletin board in the roll call room for ten consecutive days.  The posting will specify the date it was posted and its closing date.



4.3              The watch commander and discretionary unit supervisors will verbally announce openings during roll call and post the announcement within 24 hours after the opening becomes vacant. 


4.4              The following criteria will be considered when selecting an officer to fill the open position or days off:


 1.   The employee is required to have worked a field assignment in the zone for at least six months prior to making application to change watches, fill an open beat assignment, fill vacant positions in discretionary units or change days off.  If there are no interested officers that have at least six months of tenure, the time requirement will descend until an employee or employees meet the seniority requirement.


2.    The employee is required to have achieved at least an effective rating during his/her last annual performance evaluation.  If the employee is in the midpoint of his/her annual performance evaluation, the employee must have achieved an overall effective evaluation for the months evaluated.


3.     The disciplinary history for the employee will be reviewed for any sustained disciplinary actions.  The employee must not have more than one non-adverse action within the preceding six months of application and no adverse action where the employee was suspended for five or more days within the preceding year. Pending disciplinary action will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


 4.   The employee must demonstrate the ability to work well with others, if he or she is competing for a team assignment.


 5.   The employee must not have any unexcused sick leave within 6-months of the opening.  The employee must not be on an active formal counseling status for sick-leave abuse.


6.    The employee is required to verbally inform his or her supervisor about his or her desire to be considered for the opening and submit a narrative (50 word minimum) explaining why he or she should be considered for the position.


4.5              Selection Process


4.5.1           The watch commander is required to review the employee’s record and share the information with the supervisors assigned to his/her watch.  The supervisor posting the opening is required to provide input to the watch commander and supervisors assigned to the discretionary unit about the applicants.  The supervisors will evaluate the officer’s training record, work performance, and experience required for any job openings.


4.5.2           If two or more candidates appear even as it relates to the criteria, then the officer with seniority will be awarded the open position or off days for which they are applying.  If two or more candidates appear even and are equal in seniority, the watch commander or discretionary unit supervisor will use his/her discretion to select one of the candidates to fill the opening.

4.5.3           If no officer(s) make application for position, the watch commander or the discretionary unit supervisor may select an officer at his or her discretion to fill an opening after the opening has been posted for 15 days and the time has expired.


4.5.4           The watch commander is required to fill the opening by the 15th day subsequent to its posting.


4.6              For watch assignments, the zone commander will follow steps similar to section 4.5.


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1              Seniority: Time an officer has been employed by the Atlanta Police Department.


5.2              Sustained Disciplinary Action:  Such actions taken by the Department when there is sufficient evidence to support the finding that an employee has violated a standard operating procedure, work rule, state law or city ordinance.  Actions may include oral admonishment, written reprimand, suspension without pay, and demotion from an earned rank or dismissal.  


6.               CANCELLATIONS




7.               REFERENCES


                  APD.SOP.2102 “Patrol Assignments”