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Atlanta Police Department

Major Crimes Section












Command Memorandum


Effective Date

January 1, 2011



Request for Phone Records

Applicable To: Division and section commanders and all employees assigned to Major Crimes Section

Approval Authority:  Major Keith Meadows

Signature:  Signed by KM

Date Signed:  1/5/2011




1.               PURPOSE


                  The purpose of this policy is to ensure when phone records are requested, that they are being documented accurately and sent through the proper channels.


2.               POLICY


                  It is the policy of the Atlanta Police Department’s Major Crimes Section to manage request for phone records in an effective and efficient manner.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              The Major Crimes Section Commander will be responsible for random inspections of unit log books to ensure compliance.


3.2              The Major Crimes Section’s unit commander/supervisor is responsible for the overall documentation of request for phone records.  All unit commanders/supervisors are responsible for insuring that all request for phone records are documented accurately in the unit’s log books and forwarded to the Major Crimes Analyst.


3.3              All Major Crimes Section’s investigators/Officers are responsible for insuring that the unit commander/supervisor receives a copy of all requests for phone records and to ensure those records are requested in the proper format (Excel)            


3.4              The Major Crimes Analyst, will be responsible for entering all phone records into the software program designated by the section commander to analyze phone records received.  The analyst will further be responsible for all reports and request generated from this program at the request of Major Crimes Personnel.  The Major Crimes Analyst will also be responsible for maintaining a historical database of all records received for future analysis request.


4.               ACTION


4.1              All requests for phone records from the various phone companies will be done in excel format completing the following fields:


1.    Crime type


2.    Incident number


3.    Location


4.    Cell Phone Company


5.    Investigator’s name


6.    Cell phone


7.    Request subpoena


8.    Date issued


9.    Date records arrived


4.2              Log books must be accessible to all personnel assigned to the unit.  After investigator/officer sends phone request to the unit commander/supervisor and has been logged in the phone log book, a copy must be sent to the Major Crimes Analyst of the Tactical Crime Analysis Unit.  All log books will be checked periodically by the Major Crimes Section Commander or his Administrative Assistant to ensure all information is being logged in accurately.


5.               DEFINITIONS




6.               CANCELLATIONS




7.               REFERENCES

