March 23, 2004 The Atlanta Police Department places the highest value upon the preservation of life and the safety of its police officers and citizens; therefore, strict adherence to the Extra Job S.O.P. is of significant importance.

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  NUMBER: A.P.D. T.M. R.C.T.04.01  EFFECTIVE DATE:  03-23-04


SUBJECT: Extra Job APD.SOP.3.16 Roll Call Training


DISTRIBUTION:      All Sworn Employees             Pages:  4


APPROVAL  AUTHORITY  TITLE :      Academy Director


SIGNATURE: Lt. M.A. Perdue               DATE:


The Atlanta Police Department places the highest value upon the preservation of life and the safety of its police officers and citizens; therefore, strict adherence to the Extra Job S.O.P. is of significant importance.


It is the policy of the City of Atlanta Police Department that all employees desiring to engage in outside employment (extra jobs) understand the procedures in requesting a permit to work and the responsibilities thereof.  The Atlanta Police Department ensures that Standard Operating Procedure is in compliance with City Ordinance and CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) Standards.


The Standard Operating Procedure overseeing extra jobs, APD.SOP.3.16, has gone through quite a few changes to ensure that all employees are in compliance with all departmental, city, state and federal guidelines.  Listed below are a few of the significant changes with which employees must become familiar.


  1. No employee will work an extra job without an approved or temporary extra job permit.  Employees must have a copy of the approved or temporary permit readily available while working their respective extra jobs.


  1. Each employee desiring to work extra jobs will become familiar with the five(5) categories of  extra jobs and which one they are requesting to work.  The categories are:


A.        Type I – Non-police related extra job (plumber, real-estate broker, car salesman, mechanic, etc).


B.        Type II – An extra job that is not recurring in nature, but law enforcement powers are anticipated or expected.  Not recurring in nature is defined as being worked 2 times or less in a 45-day period.  For example; filling in for another officer, one-time parties, private parties, etc.

C.       Type III – An extra job that is recurring in nature and law enforcement powers are anticipated or expected.  Recurring in nature is defined as being worked more than 2 times in a 45-day period.  An example would be regular extra jobs or courtesy officers.


D.       Type IV – An extra job where the actual or potential use of law enforcement powers is not anticipated or expected, but the job is police related.  For example; accident reconstruction, consulting work, expert witness, etc.


E.  Type V - An extra job wherein the actual or potential use of law enforcement powers is anticipated or expected at a major event that is not recurring in nature and includes two or more of the following: an alcohol permit; a street closure permit (other than construction); or more than 6 APD officers working simultaneously.  For example: Midtown Music Fest, Peachtree Road Race, Dogwood Festival, etc.  All Type V extra jobs must be approved by the FIS commander prior to an employee entering into any agreements or contracts to provide services.


  1. The employee will fill out the extra job permit in its entirety and turn it in to their immediate supervisor for approval.  Upon review and approval by the immediate supervisor, the supervisor will distribute the forms as follows:


A.     Original/White – Forwarded up the chain of command to the Field Inspections Commander.

B.     Yellow – Forwarded up the chain of command to the section commander.

C.    Pink – Returned to the employee to be used as the employee’s temporary work permit.


Note:  All provisions of APD SOP 3.16 are effective as of March 23, 2004.  The only provision effective June 1, 2004 is the transition to Form APD-727 (permit).


  1. All currently approved extra job permits for active duty employees will expire on June 1, 2004.  Each employee will be required to submit their request on the new extra job permit, APD Form-727, for approval.  The new permit, once approved, will expire on the employee’s birthday, not the end of the year.  Members of the Atlanta Retired Police Reserve must refer to APD.SOP.1.13: Atlanta Retired Police Reserve Program, for the expiration date of their extra job permits.


  1. No supervisor can work an extra job under the supervision of an active duty officer of a subordinate rank.


  1. Employees cannot work more than a combined total of 130 hours of on-duty scheduled employment for the Department and extra job employment in any two-week pay period.  The two-week pay periods are to correspond with and follow the Department’s pay period.  The employee’s division commander must approve any exceptions to these limitations in advance.


  1. Employees are prohibited from working any combination of scheduled on-duty and extra job employment for more than 16 hours in any 24-hour period.


  1. All employees working Type II, Type III, Type V extra jobs will complete an extra job activity sheet (see attached APD Form 728) for all extra jobs worked during the time period.  The extra job activity sheet will be forwarded to the Field Inspections Section, with a copy being maintained by the employee’s Section Commander.


  1. Officers working an extra job must wear the standard patrol officer’s uniform as defined in the Dress Code S.O.P. (APD.SOP.3.04), unless prior approval is obtained from the employees’ section commander.  If an officer wishes to deviate from his or her standard uniform, authorization must be obtained in writing from his or her section commander and marked appropriately on the Extra Job Permit.


  1. Employees working extra jobs will (over the radio) advise the radio dispatcher of the Zone in which he or she is working, their off-duty radio number, unique identification number, the address and name of business of the extra job, and the starting and ending times of the extra job.  The employee will also monitor that zone’s frequency while he or she is working the extra job.  If a Departmental radio is not available or is inoperable, the employee will make telephone contact with a supervisor in Communications at (404) 817-2382 and provide the same information.  Communications will make that information available to the on duty field supervisor.


  1. Watch commanders or their designee will be responsible for monitoring off-duty employees and responding to incidents involving employees working extra jobs in their zone or work area.


  1. Employees are reminded that working extra jobs is a privilege that can be revoked at any time by the Chief of Police.   Employees who do not abide by the policies and procedures as stated in APD.SOP.3.16 may have the privilege of working extra jobs revoked by the Chief of Police, or his designee.  This revocation may last for 30 days or longer, in addition to any other sanction imposed by the disciplinary process.




Extra Job - Any employment (including self-employment) or work or rendering of services by a Departmental employee for which the employee receives compensation of any kind (including free or reduced cost housing) provided to him or her by any person, company, or agency other than the Atlanta Police Department.  Additionally, any employment, work, or rendering of police or security services by a Departmental employee in uniform for any person, company or agency other than the Atlanta Police Department regardless of whether the employee receives any form of compensation will require the employee to request and obtain an approved an extra job permit.




A.       SUMMARY


This training issue emphasizes the significant changes to the procedures of Extra Jobs and those procedures contained in the Atlanta Police Department’s Field Manual, the Atlanta Police Work Rules, and the Standard Operating Procedures and City codes as it relates to outside employment.  A thorough understanding and adherence to these policies and procedures is critical to the well being of each officer working, and the citizens that we come in contact with.




Ask your supervisor or call the Field Inspections Section at (404) 853-4224 if there are any questions or clarifications concerning this training issue.




Atlanta Police Department Standard Operating Procedure, APD.SOP.3.04 (uniform)


Atlanta Police Work Rule 2.28 (outside employment)


Atlanta City Ordinance, Code Sections 114-436 and 114-437 (outside employment)


CALEA Standards, Sections 22.3.3 and 22.3.4 (standard requirements)




           1.     Sample Extra Job Request/Permit

                 2.     Bi-Weekly Extra Job Activity Sheet