October 5, 2005 To generate, track, maintain and secure a confidential record of each OPS complaint file by an assigned control number, and gather information contained from the OPS complaint files and other sources for statistical purposes.

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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual












Special Order




Effective Date

May 1, 2008




Written Directive Update

May 2008


Applicable To: All employees

Approval Authority:  Chief Richard J. Pennington

Signature:  Signed by RJP

Date Signed:  5/21/08


  Table of Contents    

1.          PURPOSE  PAGEREF _Toc197757293 \h 1

2.          POLICY   PAGEREF _Toc197757294 \h 1

3.          RESPONSIBILITIES  PAGEREF _Toc197757295 \h 1

4.          ACTION  PAGEREF _Toc197757296 \h 1

4.1           New Directive  PAGEREF _Toc197757297 \h 1

4.1.1        APD.SOP.3210 Taxicabs and Vehicles for Hire  PAGEREF _Toc197757298 \h 1

4.2           Updated Directive  PAGEREF _Toc197757299 \h 2

4.2.1        APD.SOP.3020 “Search and Seizure” PAGEREF _Toc197757300 \h 2


5.          DEFINITIONS  PAGEREF _Toc197757301 \h 2

6.          CANCELLATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc197757302 \h 2

6.1           APD.SO.04.06 “WD Update August 2004” PAGEREF _Toc197757303 \h 2

6.2           APD.SO.04.08 “WD Update November 2004” PAGEREF _Toc197757304 \h 2

6.3           APD.SO.04.09 “SOP Update – November 2004” PAGEREF _Toc197757305 \h 2

6.4           APD.SO.04.11 “WD Update December 2004” PAGEREF _Toc197757306 \h 2

7.          REFERENCES  PAGEREF _Toc197757307 \h 2




1.               PURPOSE                                                                         


This order summarizes new and revised directives and cancels 2004 Special Orders.  The full text to all current directives can be found on the Horizon intranet site at “http://horizon”. 


2.               POLICY


The Atlanta Police Department will keep its written directives up to date and promptly notify affected employees.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


                  Bureau, division, and section commanders will implement these changes in their commands, making sure that affected employees are notified.


4.               ACTION


4.1             New Directive


4.1.1          APD.SOP.3210 Taxicabs and Vehicles for Hire


This directive establishes the legal authority and administrative procedures of the Division of Taxicabs and Vehicles for Hire.  It establishes guidelines for inspections of animal-drawn vehicles, taxicabs and other vehicles for hire and for the DTVH administrative hearing process.  Much of the content of the new standard was drawn from City Code Section 162, Article II “Animal-Drawn Vehicles, Limousines, Taxicabs and Similar Vehicles”. 


4.2              Updated Directive


4.2.1           APD.SOP.3020 “Search and Seizure”


The following revisions were made to this directive.


Section 4.2.6 Authorization


1.    The warrant must be signed by a neutral and detached magistrate who is authorized to hold a court of inquiry for any area of the county in which the premises described in the search warrant is located (OCGA § 17-5-21).


2.    Prior to executing the warrant, the officer will present the affidavit and the search warrant to the lieutenant or above for approval. If a Confidential Source is used to establish probable cause, his/her file must be presented along with the affidavit and warrant.  The lieutenant will indicate approval of both the affidavit and the search warrant by initialing and dating the lower-left margin of the face side of each document. 


3.    A search warrant containing a “no knock” clause must be approved by the officer’s major or above who will initial and date the lower-left margin of the face side of each document


5.               DEFINITIONS




6.               CANCELLATIONS


Special Orders expire after four years.  The following Special Orders have served their purpose and are cancelled.


6.1              APD.SO.04.06 “Written Directive System Update August 2004”

6.2              APD.SO.04.08 “Written Directive System Update November 2004”

6.3              APD.SO.04.09 “SOP Update – November 2004”

6.4              APD.SO.04.11 “Written Directive Update December 2004”      


7.               REFERENCES

