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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual










Special Order



Effective Date

March 2, 2011



OPS File Tracking Log

Applicable To: All employees

Approval Authority:  Chief George N. Turner

Signature:  Signed by GNT

Date Signed:  3/8/11



1.               PURPOSE


The purpose of this directive is to provide Atlanta Police Department employees with a manual File Tracking Log for all OPS disciplinary files. The intention of this File Tracking Log is to provide an effective tracking system for OPS disciplinary files and establish employee accountability.


2.               POLICY


The Department strives for consistency in processing and handling employees’ disciplinary files through the Office of Professional Standards.  The Atlanta Police Department shall develop a system for tracking OPS records and packages in a professional manner. All employees shall comply with the established OPS File Tracking Log System.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              Division, section and unit commanders will implement this directive in their commands, making sure that all employees are aware of the new OPS disciplinary filing procedure.


3.2              Office of Professional Standards will be responsible for creating Form APD 855 OPS File Tracking Log Sheet and disseminating it upon request of a control number by the designated employee.


3.3              Office of Professional Standards will issue the control number and electronically forward it to the requesting designated employee.


4.               ACTION


4.1              OPS Manual File Tracking Log Sheet


1.    The log sheet will include the following required fields:


a.    Date received


b.    Date forwarded


c.    Forwarded to


d.    Signature


e.    Received by


2.    These fields shall be completed by each individual employee with the authority to accept and/or review the disciplinary file before the file is forwarded to the next authorized person.


3.    The dates should be in sequence beginning from the top of the log sheet.


4.1.1           The OPS Manual Tracking Log Sheet will be affixed inside the file folder on the left side.


1.    This file will be electronically forwarded to employees designated by the division or section commanders.


2.    The requesting designated employee shall be responsible for attaching the form to the folder.  After this form is attached, each employee who accepts and/ or reviews the file will check to ensure this form is attached.


3.    If it is discovered that the tracking log sheet is missing, that employee will be responsible for completing a memo detailing when he/she discovered and forward it through the chain of command and to the OPS Advocacy Unit. 


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1              Designated Employee:  Any sworn personnel, chosen verbally or in writing to undertake a specific task by their Division or Section Commander.


6.               CANCELLATIONS




7.               REFERENCES


                  APD Form 855 OPS File Tracking Log Sheet