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Atlanta Police Department

Policy Manual










Special Order



Effective Date

March 30, 2012



Written Directive Update

March 2012

Applicable To: All employees

Approval Authority:  Chief George N. Turner

Signature:  Signed by GNT

Date Signed:  3/30/12


  Table of Contents    

1.          PURPOSE  PAGEREF _Toc319668058 \h 1

2.          POLICY  PAGEREF _Toc319668059 \h 1

3.          RESPONSIBILITIES  PAGEREF _Toc319668060 \h 1

4.          ACTION   PAGEREF _Toc319668061 \h 1

4.1           New Directives  PAGEREF _Toc319668062 \h 1

4.1.1        APD.SO.12.02 WD Update March 2012  PAGEREF _Toc319668063 \h 1

4.1.2        APD.SOP.2011 R1 General Conduct PAGEREF _Toc319668064 \h 1

4.1.3        APD.SOP.5121 Vice Operations  PAGEREF _Toc319668065 \h 2

4.2           Updated Directives  PAGEREF _Toc319668066 \h 2


4.2.1        APD.SOP.2070 Recruitment and Hiring Process  PAGEREF _Toc319668067 \h 2

4.2.1        APD.SOP.2082 Outside Agencies Attend Training  PAGEREF _Toc319668068 \h 3

4.2.3        APD.SOP.4042 Hostage Negotiators  PAGEREF _Toc319668069 \h 3

4.2.4        APD.SOP.5141 Narcotics &Tracking Canines (K-9) PAGEREF _Toc319668070 \h 3

4.2.5        APD.SOP.6070 Grants Management PAGEREF _Toc319668071 \h 3

5.          DEFINITIONS  PAGEREF _Toc319668072 \h 3

6.          CANCELLATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc319668073 \h 3

7.          REFERENCES  PAGEREF _Toc319668074 \h 3


1.               PURPOSE


This order summarizes revisions to existing directives and new directives. The full text to all current directives can be found on the Horizon intranet site at “http://horizon”. 


2.               POLICY


The Atlanta Police Department will keep its written directives up to date and promptly notify affected employees.


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              Bureau, division, and section commanders will implement these changes in their commands, making sure that affected employees are notified.


4.               ACTION


4.1              New Directives


4.1.1           APD.SO.12.02 Written Directive Update March 2012


1.    This order summarizes revisions to existing directives and new directives.


4.1.2           APD.SOP.2011 R1 General Conduct


1.    This revision notice adds Section 4.1.8 Email, to APD.SOP.2011 General Conduct.




Section 4.1.8    E-mail


City e-mail accounts will be checked by all employees at least once within each 24-hour period, during the course of his or her shift or as frequently as the employees’ assignment dictates.  Employees will immediately check his or her city e-mail account upon return from approved leave i.e. vacation, sick leave, etc.


4.1.3           APD.SOP.5121 Vice Operations


1.    This is a new SOP specifically drafted to address, proactively, Vice related operations. It shall assist in the detection, prosecution, and prevention of prostitution, the illegal sale, manufacture and consumption of alcohol and illegal gaming operations. It outlines the procedures for details and responsibilities for division and unit commanders as well as the unit officers.


2.    This directive was revised throughout to include the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) 5th Edition Standards, Georgia Law Enforcement Certification Program (GPAC) and City of Atlanta Ordinance.


3.    The term “will” was replaced with the term “shall” throughout this directive.


4.2              Updated Directives


4.2.1           APD.SOP.2070 Recruitment and Hiring Process


1.    This directive was revised throughout to include the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) 5th Edition Standards and City of Atlanta Ordinance.


2.    Throughout the directive, the term “will” was replaced with the term “shall.”


3.    Section 4.1.4 was revised and now reads:


The Recruiter shall maintain periodic contact with the applicant by telephone or in person in

addition to any written contact throughout the application process. He or she shall log each

contact on the inside of the background investigation file. The recruiter shall also use the

opportunity to request any additional information that is needed, inform the applicant

periodically of the status of his or her application and about upcoming events in the

selection process. He or she may answer any questions the applicant may have.

(CALEA 31.3.3, 5th edition standard)


4.    Section 4.1.7 was revised and now reads:


The Recruiter shall not disqualify or reject an application because of minor omissions or

deficiencies that can be corrected prior to the testing or interview process. A minor omission

or deficiency is one that shall not have a significant impact on the evaluation of the

applicant. (CALEA 31.3.4, 5th edition standard)


5.    Section 4.3 “Lateral Entry Police Academy” (subsection 4.3.1 and 4.3.2) were deleted.





4.2.1           APD.SOP.2082 Protocol for Outside Agencies to Attend Training


1.    Throughout the directive was developed in compliance with Standards of the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) 5th Edition.


2.    Section 4.3.2 was added and states:   “The Firearms Training Unit Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all outside agency participants have completed all required waivers and have been informed of range policies and safety rules.”


4.2.3           APD.SOP.4042 Hostage Negotiators


1.    This is a new written directive specifically drafted to establish policy and procedures for the selection, retention, training and responsibilities of hostage negotiators.


2.    This directive includes the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) 5th Edition Standards, Georgia Law Enforcement Certification Program (GPAC) and City of Atlanta Ordinance.


3.    Throughout the directive, the term “will” was replaced with the term “shall.”


4.2.4           APD.SOP.5141 Narcotics and Tracking Canines (K-9)


1.    The entire SOP was revamped.


2.    Sections 4.2 “Use of Canine Tracking Teams” was added to the directive.


3.    Form APD 652 Canine Tracking Log was newly created.


4.    There were no changes in State Law, City Ordinances, or accreditation standards that would have required additional changes to the SOP.


4.2.5           APD.SOP.6070 Grants Management


1.    This written directive was completely revised.  APD.CM.11.03 “Grants Management” effective March 9, 2011 and APD.CM.11.04 “Managing Grants” effective March 30, 2011 were cancelled and included in APD.SOP.6070 “Grants Management”.


5.               DEFINITIONS




6.               CANCELLATIONS




7.               REFERENCES

