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Atlanta Police Department

Taxi and Vehicle for Hire










Section Command



Effective Date

November 1, 2004



VFH Roll Call

Applicable To: All VFH supervisors and enforcement officers assigned to the airport

Approval Authority:  Director Malachi S. Hull

Signature:  Signed by MSH

Date Signed:  11/1/2004



1.               PURPOSE


To establish ROLL CALL procedures for employees of the Division of Taxicabs and Vehicle for Hire assigned to the airport.


2.               POLICY


The Division of Taxicabs and Vehicles for Hire requires that all VFH personnel assigned to the airport report to roll call at the beginning of each shift to their immediate supervisor. 


3.               RESPONSIBILITIES


3.1              VFH supervisors will ensure compliance with this directive and applicable procedures in APD.SOP.3070 “Roll Call “


4.               ACTION


4.1              VFH Enforcement Officers assigned to the airport shall be responsible for reporting to roll call at the beginning of his/her designated shift to their immediate supervisor at the Taxi Assembly Area.


4.1.1           Enforcement Officer will sign in and out on the designated time sheet at the time they arrive and leave their assignment. 


4.1.2           In the absence of the supervisor, the enforcement officer will report to the APD supervisor on duty.  


1.    VFH Supervisor will notify APD Supervisor and their immediate supervisor at the  Division of Taxicabs and Vehicles for Hire when they are unable to report to work (sick, vacation, etc.)


2.    VFH Supervisor will ensure APD supervisor is provided with a work schedule for his/her shift which include off days for all VFH employees.


3.    Enforcement Officers will contact APD supervisor on duty via radio once they arrive for duty at the taxi assembly area.


4.       Airport supervisor will call the enforcement officer at the taxi assembly area booth to verify enforcement officer is at their assignment at the designated time.


5.   Airport supervisor will document attendance and forward to VFH supervisor.


5.               DEFINITIONS


5.1              Roll Call: The official activity that starts the work functions for the assigned shift.


5.2              Airport Supervisor: On duty Airport Sergeant or above.


6.               CANCELLATIONS


BTVH.CM.94.01 “Roll Call”, issued October 1, 1994

7.               REFERENCES


APD.SOP.1090 “Inspections”

APD.SOP.3070 “Roll Call”